How to sleep while @ manic?

Need some help !!! I am trying but all invain…

Take a sleeping pill/supplement.


Its 1:30 AM and need to sleep so I can go for work tomorrow

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Put all electronics away from your bed.


What suppliment? I just had 3 Slice of cake still not feeling a sleep

Valerian Root

Come to mind


Yes I should do that !

Usually I feel sleepy while there is loud on going songs.

But today is something different

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Not aware of this !!


How many hours til u need 2 wake up?

Maybe read a book which makes u feel sleepy after a while?

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While manic and unable to fall asleep, I try to break my jumbled thoughts by going through the alphabet and listing all of the words that I can think of for a particular letter before moving onto another letter. I’ve never gotten past D.

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I feel a sleep after having some banana cakes. I woke up now. 7.5 hours of sleep I got now. Hope full it does not effect my work

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Yeh, gluck with work!

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Valerian root works very well for me. Gives me usually an extra two hours of sleep. Don’t take too much tho or it will cause nightmares.

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It was ok today :blush:

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Am not aware of these roots I will Google them and see again