How to make people happy

Ah, but one can change themselves. Prune off the bits they don’t want. I used to have so much rage about my childhood I had the biggest UHaul truck available on permanent lease. God forbid I shouldn’t carry around that rage and hurt and not have it instantly available to display to others. Heaven knows how many Step 7’s later, I’ve managed to reduce all the rage and hurt to what fits into a single piece of carry on luggage. On the good days I go out and leave it at home.

Those who knew me twenty years ago are blown away to see me now. The word ‘serenity’ is occasionally invoked, which is amazing as hell if you saw what I was like just after I sobered up and the SZ hit. The rest of the world is so lucky I didn’t get my hand on the U.S. prezident’s ‘football’ back in those days. I totally would have spanked the LAUNCH button.
