Do you know where is a good place to make friends? My mom suggested going to church. Have made friends but my family don’t think they are a good influence. A little disappointed in my sister. She won’t let me text or call these friends. I think they are pretty nice. But my sister thinks they are taking advantage of me. What should i do?
Coffee shops? I don’t know…I have a handful of good friends that I made in college and am not looking for any others.
I think sacrificing my current friends for my sister is worth it. She was so upset that i had called my friends and she took my phone to blacklist them. I know this sound so severe but she was only watching out for my best interests.
They may be taking advantage of you, they may not. I complained to my sister yesterday that I am so clueless that I don’t even realize when someone is treating me bad. She looked at me in surprise and said, “That’s not true”. Sorry if this doesn’t relate exactly to your problem but it’s kind of close.
Maybe this will help: " To have a friend you have to be a friend".
I have found nice people at library groups and community center art classes…
NO one trying to convert you… or get your money… just everyone there for an enjoyment of art… (or a cooking class) and it’s very low key.
Just a thought.
Good luck and I’m glad your sis has your back… my sis has shown some of my past “friends” the door… it turned out to be a good thing.
Maybe try finding people through your interests/hobbies. Or school, work, volunteering, neighbours… It’s good to have something specific to do with people.
there are mental health clubs. Theyre ib all cities and most towns. Menatl health clubs have activities like art, creative writing and health management going on. You should check it out. Ask your psychiatrist.
How to turn my unfriends into friends that’s the question.
I know I’ve made most of my friends through work. Do you think you can get a volunteering job from somewhere or something? I did take some art classes but they’re short, not enough time to make a friend. Community programs? Book clubs?
I’d also say don’t be desperate or to quick to make friends. You can easily wind up hanging with the wrong crowd.
If I could find some friends who didn’t smoke weed I’d be pretty damned happy.
Unfortunately that is also how I’ve made most of the friends I’ve got.
Something funny though, the only two who weren’t potheads are the only people who seem to really care.
Correlates for me.
@see121 good luck with this. This is one of things that does require an element of luck. or both have local group events that you can join. That way, you know in advance that everyone there is open to making friends, and you can google them ahead of time to make sure they’re not shady characters.
I only have two good friends. One I text everyday, the other I see regularly.
I’m ok with this for now.