How to learn to communicate?

Alright, I was popular and liked girl in school… until psychosis :smiley:

I definetly have some hardships while finding new friends. Some new friends were lost when I told them my mental health situation (that I have SZ)

I am kinda thinking… I can’t find new friends because something is wrong in the way I communicate, or because I am shy, or because I don’t go to new places?


I think what in my mind is the result of the outside environment.

I still feel I am the good guy.


A bit philosophical… In fact I do agree.

Supportive and peaceful environment is what I am looking for

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Honestly, practice practice practice.


strangest is, sometime ago I had no problems with communication.

Now, sometimes, when I hear people talking - I simply don’t know what to say. And fear to be laughed off…

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I don’t look for friends , just want to live my own life, some company is great but it’s useless, unless you do some meaningful together, like work on some project or something,

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“Open your heart and friendship will follow you”

Are you able to work. You can meet people through work or college


I only study now…

But hopefully soon I will work :slight_smile:


Work will be a good place to learn to communicate I think


Work is a great place. Don’t be afraid to seek friendship people like to make new friends


I can talk to anybody especially when I’m travelling and we have common interests.


I will never master communication.

For this reason exactly I’m seeing a psychologist

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Same here. I used to be likeable when I was in school and college to some extent. After that I lost the plot to life. We need to smart about way we speak to others. It comes by experience and learning I guess.

I would like to advise but have not figured it out myself, I’ve only gotten to the looking odd stage lol

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