So this guy told my friend he thought I was pretty. I knew he was around before but never looked at him in that way but. So when this person walks passed me I feel these butterflies and there is this electric feeling it’s weird and I don’t want it there. But when he not there this feeling passes. I like this feeling but don’t want it there. Because I can’t see myself with this person long term.
Why not enjoy the moment,haha
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It’s very frightening. I’m afraid he’s gonna start talking to me and what would follow. I didn’t wait 30 years for a one night stand
Butterflies makes me prepsychotic. Love is madness they say…
But I agree with @Gtx1990. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I wish I could heart this five or six times. Gtx is right, ish.
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He didn’t asked for one night stand,and you probably won’t do it with him if his intention is ONS,since you had already waited for 30 years lol
Yeah, workplace romances are not recommended. But what have you got against a one night stand, lol.
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