How to find the best psychiatrist?

I’m thinking of reaching out to someone, but I have a lot of anxiety over meeting any sort of psychiatrist. I want someone who is top in their field, specifically trauma related. I don’t want to be forced into medication or some hospital. 90% of the ones I’ve met do this. I know that the main role of a psychiatrist is to prescribe meds but other therapist don’t have the educational backgrounds to deal with my mess. I’m thinking of trying alternative medicine through a first nations elder, but I’m nervous about that. I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck and I can’t like find any outlet for all the ■■■■ that’s circling in my mind.

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It’s understandable to have anxiety over this. I lost a good Psychiatrist who retired and I am still waiting to meet the replacement.

We can’t choose here in the UK. You’re lucky to get an appointment!

If you go private it’s about £350 per session where I live.

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We can’t choose here either, they just set you up with who ever is available . once i said give me a new one or I’m not showing up anymore, they agreed, the old one never agreed with anything I said and would always sit there with his back to me working on his computer and was always at least a hour late



That’s real!

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How is this helpful at all? I think that people should be matched properly to a psychiatrist. It can make all the difference. We don’t really get to choose either here, there isn’t that many available. But I do move around a lot. It’s given me the ability to have met many different psychologist. There’s only been one I liked but she is expensive and not located in the same province.

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I get to choose the psychiatrist as unltimately I am paying them in private practice through my medical aid. I see a private psychiatrist.


After 3 psychiatrists, I finally found the right one, he is the fourth. Maybe you will be luckier


I am paying for private.Its outpatient service at a mental hospital…I dislike the jam travelling towards there but the doctor is good


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