How to fight word problems

When I have psychosis, my brain goes to shite.
I forget basic words and my sentences are filled with “ummm…” if I can finish them at all.

How do I fight this?

My friend tells me to relax my brain, because the more I stress iver finding the words, the less I find them.
What do you think?

yeah stress makes symptoms worse. I have a big problem with spelling. I get by with autocorrect but my mind just can’t cope anymore. I used to read lots. Not so much these days and moving to America for a couple of years really confused my addled brain about spelling…

I think it’s not too bad advice. Keep things lo stressed and concentrate…that concentration can be affected by negatives for sure. Hang in there. It’s hard to teach an old mind but you can do it.

Yeah i have similar problems to you @Pikasaur, but i’m not currently psychotic. I always have difficulty finding words, often do the ahh, umm thing or i forget the train of the conversation. It is difficult to concentrate at times in conversations. I agree with @rogueone. Keep things simple and low stress if at all possible. Otherwise, don’t be so hard on yourself. It isn’t easy, this illness we have. All we can do is the best we can.

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