How does anyone feel welcome anywhere without getting thoughts about I’m just tolerated, they don’t want me, or they want to screw with me? I can’t be anywhere with people anymore without hearing that little voice saying “you’re unwelcome” or “they are trying to mess with you.” It always happens and I always go silent which doesn’t help my situation cause it looks like I’m creeping. Maybe I am unwelcome everywhere. Maybe its just extreme social phobia. But its a terrible feeling. Then there are those times delusions set in like anyone I meet or communicate is connected with my past knows everything about me and wants to trigger me. How do people get by with it and feel welcome? How can you trust anyone? Maybe I should just give up on this social thing and never deal with it but I’m torn with the feeling of wanting some sort of connection to people. Most days however I just want to give up on it.
you are welcome here …and here is a rainbow
hamster hug.
take care
Thanks its a little easier online especially this site cause everyone is compassionate and straightforward. But in public its a nightmare. I can’t even talk in class even less in social situations besides my roommate or counselor (but i don’t count that one). Though I don’t even use Facebook or Twitter so even online is a challenge
I’ve been chased out of 3 cities so far on the grounds of being more moral than they are.
try baby steps;
go into a shop and buy something…and then smile and say " thank you "
then maybe help someone at a shopping mall who is struggling with their bags…
smile ask if they want a hand…
little things like this will;
- boost your confidence
- build your trust levels with other humans
remember ’ normals ’ can feel awkward…shy…nervous…uncomfortable…
don’t put so much pressure on yourself.
know someone cares
take care
p.s is there a small drama class you can join…this might help to build your confidence.
There probably is a drama class I could join. Though I don’t see the connection to that and social phobia (not saying there isn’t one but I’ve never even been in a drama class). And walking into a store and being polite to the people is fine just not normal social situations
in drama class they teach you skills…that can translate into real life…i.e improvisation…
as for social situations…it is learnt behaviour…
it is not always inate/natural.
it has to be worked at .
hypnotherapy has helped me in the past with many things…confidence…anger management etc…
take care