Its hard to deal with thoughts of wanting to give up and do a bunch of drugs to no end and not have any goals and be completely antisocial. I just don’t see the point in anything sometimes. This all feels like my simulated hell and sometimes I just want to stop it and drink and do drugs for the rest of my life. But i dont know if thats destructive cause theres a lot ofbtimes it feels like nothing matters. Im just tired of being in so much pain.
Fortunately I never started drugging or heavy drinking. I’ve stay drug-free, basically. Maybe work on your diet? I’m addicting to healthy foods, those are my “drugs”. I’m also addicted to ASMR videos, music, and sleep. I dunno man, the best case scenario is to get off drugs completely and find a new addiction.
It’s not worth it, have you seen the homeless, toothless, drunk thats barley alive and looks 20 years older than he is. He is most likely a sz that fell into drugs.
I used to be the same way then I dunno what to tell you man, I got my meds right finally but that sounds easier said than done.
Good to see you around kazuma, haven’t seen you in a minute .
Yea we seem to have a bit in common. And yea i guess it might be a med thing but it feels more like a life thing. Just most things haven’t worked out and I don’t know what to do sometimes. The cards seem to be against me
Please don’t fall victim to the drugs or alcohol trap. Back in 2009 I was completely drug-free and having the best time of my life, but then after being hospitalized I told myself “What’s the point? I was clean but still fell ill.” So I got back into smoking weed and worse. End result, I lost another 5 years of my life. I feel clear-headed now that I’ve ditched the drugs and it’s helpful to be sober for school and work. You’re young, you can do it, don’t do the same mistakes I did.
After a while not consuming you will see things getting easier, life is a challenge and you’re better armed facing it with all your wits intact.
**Dont give in to it! Every day is different, you won
t feel the same way tommorow. Some days are harder then others, take care of yourself when you are feeling like this.
You will come out on the other side **
i feel the same…but life is not this long journey of nothingness.
there is so much beauty…
there is the majesty of nature
the wonder and imagination in books
there is that intangible thing called ’ love '
that more realistic goal called ’ freindship '.
there is the taste of amazing food
and of course great coffee !?!
there is architecture…so many great buildings of merit.
take care
I went through a phase of just getting by whilst doing the whole stimulants and depressants cycle every morning and night. Namely preworkout in excess doses and binge drinking.
I decided that I would beat the odds, and the odds were against me, now the odds are the other way around. I was told by the shrink who diagnosed me that I could become an incredible shrink if I overcame this and that if I didn’t change I would be most likely dead by suicide by middle age.
I picked the lesser trodden path. It’s a bitch but it is worth it to have a life that isn’t expendable.
As you get older, once people start graduating college and pursuing careers or graduate degrees, people start thinking poorly of the substance abusers. It’s one thing to have a drink if you don’t drink very often and well if you have done something to deserve a treat go ahead. If you just smoke a gram of weed every night and drink half a fifth of vodka for no ■■■■■■■ reason, you have a problem.
Yeah, you’re in pain. So am I. Highly functioning does not mean painless. It’s pain that most people who have schizophrenia can’t take, hence part of why it is rare, one in five with schizophrenia function normally…less function above average.
You can escape the pain by creating overpowering positive feelings. I say the good in my life outweighs the bad. The bad is no joke. I have chronic and severe paranoid schizophrenia. I go around hallucinating and thinking crazy ■■■■ is happening and I’m on meds. It’s just less horrible than before meds.
Meds. Okay. Meds.
Professional help. See a therapist. I see one.
Insight. Learn about the illness we have, be aware of yourself. If knowledge is power, then I have power over my mental illness. This is hardly a mental illness. It’s more like a brain disease.
I research stigma. There has been a call to call schizophrenia a brain disease instead of a mental illness. It’s also not your fault.
I saw myself either wasting away or making something out of myself.
It really is simple, you let schizophrenia win or you fight it. Keep in mind that fighting it alone with no training is stupid. Great way to get your ass kicked.