How to cope with yelling

Whenever someone raises their voice it feels like my heart has stopped and my stomach drops. I have shivers in my neck, sometimes severe, causing me to shake my head involuntarily. Whenever someone raises their voice, violent or not, I go into a mode to protect myself from being yelled at. Because I think they’re going to attack me.

How do I stop this? Meds and therapy is out of the question. Any tips for not feeling like this? I can already feel myself shutting down and I’ll become unresponsive.

This is also hard for me! I always cry when people yell at me, and then they get mad that I’m being emotional.

The one thing that helped me when I got yelled at a lot is I started replying very monotone and uncaring. I wouldn’t get heated when others got mad. Usually if you reply calmly and coldly (even if you’re freaking out on the inside) the person yelling will either give up or calm down and see they’re being unreasonable.

This being said though, I still sometimes cry when I get yelled at, not my fault, just my natural reaction.

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I’m so sorry :frowning: Thank you for the advice, though, I will try it!

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