How to be positive

Awesome guide … I enjoi wiki how readings. You must read this


I’m really working on this topic

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I feel there is something missing. This is very American. It focuses on the self more than the self in relation to the groups you belong to. It should at least also mention that it helps to contribue positively to your groups and to society as a whole, that you should think well of others, and that you should strive to help others and compliment others when you can. The self does not exist in isolation from other people. The self is constructed through your interactions with other people.


What if your psychiatrist tells you to isolate yourself from others especially your family until next months appointment because too much drama, and he’s worried about me being a danger to myself

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If your psychiatrist tells you to isolate yourself from others, I would definitely get a new psychiatrist. Holy crap. That’s not healthy.


If he wants you to spend less time with your family, he should at least make sure you have an alternative - someone else you can spend time with and who can be there for you when you need them. Isolating yourself for an extended period of time is never a good idea, especially when you have a mental illness. I doubt your psychiatrist actually suggested this, but if they did, find a new one immediately.


Yes. Community organizations. Volunteer work. So important.

No kidding. It’s okay to step back for a bit when too many other people are messing with your symptoms, but it’s important to re-engage as soon as you can.

My personal recovery rule is this: The thing you fear most is the thing you should be trying to do.

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You don’t understand. I can’t get too stressed and can’t be on right meds cuz have long qts. I have my neurologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist and therapist who’ve told me to change my phone number and stay outta the ■■■■ storm that is going on in my family. I can’t handle anymore stress. I am volatile as it is. I have so so many things going on that I can’t be involved in, and have been hurt way too much. My ptsd, abandonment issues are overwhelming and I can’t get suicidal again. They want me and my husband to go out on dates a couple of times a week. But for the next month, I have to keep sanity.


Just until the storm passes, but you need to come out again when the sky is clear.



Yeah, I will but start out with baby steps. Some may think I have paranoia. So, my drs always have my husband come in at first to let them know yes this did happen. Now that I’ve been lowered on abilify I feel like dreamtheaters octavarium. I love volunteering with people with eating disorders but need to save energy for myself. If you want me to pm I can show you what a biological addict aka mom did just to prove what a ■■■■ storm she caused and has me as next of kin…getting calls from adult protective services, police, her lock down facility. I just tried reaching out for help from people and they don’t give a crap, and it hurts so much. So ptsd and abandonment issues have made me hypersensitive and they don’t want me to hurt myself cuz too much pain. While in the meantime I may have a lawsuit I need to consider. Thanks for support :hugs:

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How monks isolate themselves from people for years meditating and living on mountain alone

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Very few do this completely alone. They are usually at least around other people, even if they don’t talk to them for extended periods. And I think it’s safe to say that hermits are very peculiar people. Most of them would probably be diagnosed with a disorder like schizoid PD if they went to a psychiatrist or psychologist.

On the other side of this, we have many examples of completely normal people who are isolated from others and suffer greatly because of it, sometimes even descending into psychosis.

My point is that social isolation can be downright dangerous for most people, if it’s extreme enough and long enough. And you don’t have to be away from others for that long before you start noticing the negative effects. We are all of us social creatures. It’s in our biology. If you don’t need other people around you, that’s a sign that you’re not functioning normally. If you are functioning somewhat normally, you need other people around you.

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I’m getting posts removed for… nothing? lol okay

Religious content and your seemingly passive-aggressive reaction.
If you want to argue about it, send a PM. It’s off-topic and mod decisions are not up for discussion.

Sorry, I seem to somehow have missed your two last posts… I didn’t see them until just now…
Sounds like you really need some time away from your family. But make sure you have someone else you can lean on in the meantime. Don’t isolate yourself for longer than you want and need to. I really hope you start feeling better soon.


Thank you for pm. I have my two dogs that I just took for a walk. Their unconditional love and how excited they were when I got their leashes made me feel important. Plus it’s a beautiful day. I have to focus on the positives in life. :hugs: editing my psych called me last night and said he’d call again tonight to make sure I’m ok.


It’s inaccurate and unfair to say that this article is “very American.”

It’s true that individualism is a core American value, but so are unity and volunteerism. Thus Americans don’t exist in isolation from other Americans, quite the opposite. Americans helping Americans, philanthropy, are admired American values. However, we believe these values are an individual choice, not a communal expectation.

You have exhibited a pattern of anti-American bias (on April 6, 2018 we had a similar conversation), yet you refuse to tell me which country you reside in.

Americans are not as self-centered as you make us out to be.

American social psychological science focuses on the personal and interpersonal a lot more than the group and the person in relation to the group. This is what I meant by ‘very American’. The focus in this article reflects the focus of American psychology in general. The book I read this in was American. I’m not anti-American, and I think you’re being a little touchy. It wouldn’t be anti-European to say that an article about positivity that didn’t focus much on personal factors was too European. But an article on positivity wouldn’t be very European at all, since positive psychology is mainly an American thing. And there’s something for you to be proud of.

I’ve tried to explain this to you before. I have nothing against the US. Most of the TV shows and movies I watch are American. By far, most of the books I read are American, and most of the people I talk to online are American, too. I learned your language when i was 6. I’ve wanted to visit the US for as long as I can remember. But extremely patriotic people do make that dream less attractive.

My boyfriend gets annoyed sometimes and says I’m obsessed with the US. And then I come here, and you keep telling me I’m anti-American.



In retrospect I think you’re right that I was touchy, and I apologize for that.

Sorry for this short reply, but I have to leave now to bring my cat to the vet to be spayed.