How to be more confident?

My confidence went down since having sz. I read online that low dopamine causes low self confidence and that dopamine increases self confidence. Too much is bad though, I become grandiose and arrogant off meds.


How to have the perfect balance?

I lack confidence too. It’s something i’m still working on.

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" Some signs and symptoms of conditions related to a dopamine deficiency include:

  • muscle cramps, spasms, or tremors
  • aches and pains
  • stiffness in the muscles
  • loss of balance
  • constipation
  • difficulty eating and swallowing
  • weight loss or weight gain
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • frequent pneumonia
  • trouble sleeping or disturbed sleep
  • low energy
  • an inability to focus
  • moving or speaking more slowly than usual
  • feeling fatigued
  • feeling demotivated
  • feeling inexplicably sad or tearful
  • mood swings
  • feeling hopeless
  • having low self-esteem
  • feeling guilt-ridden
  • feeling anxious
  • suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm
  • low sex drive
  • hallucinations
  • delusions
  • lack of insight or self-awareness"

I think if you are talking about confidence at a specific thing, doing that thing more often will give you confidence in your ability to do it.
Practice at a specific activity will give likely give you more confidence in your ability.


What if I can’t practice at all or if that doesn’t work?

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I have that since upping my risperdal to 6mg. Damn low dopamine.

IDK Aziz. Your question is a little vague. IDK how to answer it.

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They say in the article that low dopamine causes depression. Is that why lots of schizophrenics are depressed? Maybe they mean negative symptoms too?

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Before sz I used to do presentations in university infront of like 100 students and didn’t stress. I can’t do that anymore. @Bowens

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Well you have one up over me. I have never been very good at that kind of stuff. I always hated speech class.


Honestly I think its the negative and cognitive symptoms that brought my self confidence down as I rarely have real social interactions and cognitive intense tasks. Like they say use it or lose it. I can’t trust my own mind and myself anymore because of bad memory, etc I think all these brought my self confidence down.

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I think either as a person with sz,
I have learnt many terms on what this condition is about.
I miss a main clause,
what all psychologist or psychiatrist do,
but not sure, if this is the case of not studying self,
yes I could correct self but should not study self.

If a surgeon does a surgery to many people,
he would have confidence,
even then, if he is suppose to do it for his/her own son/daughter,
he may have some percentage of confidence issue.

Not sure how true these are, the above example was a reference from a movie.

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Practice a little bit. Then practice a little bit more.

Failure is a necessary part of growth. If something didn’t work now you still gained some experience. Maybe you bumped your fitness ahead so the next time you fail a bit less. If you can’t be confident in yourself you can be confident in the process. It works.


I can’t do that. I need like 20mg propranolol just to make a phonecall in front of people lol.
I get the automatic intense nerves from public speaking I just blank out

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IDK. I thought I had it but I failed miserably. Not all my fault.

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Nearly 30 years of sharing at AA meetings has paid off there. It’s like toastmasters for drunks. Uh, without the toasts.

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Yeah I bet hey. It’s likely I get it a lot because I almost never do it.
It’s the part where I feel like I’m being put on the spot.

The more you practice the easier it gets. I used to die inside whenever I had to use the phone bhack when I first started my insurance job. Now I’m on the phone several times a day making collections calls to customers in arrears. No biggie.