How to be like rich?

i m interested in that topic
i read books , watch the rich ppl
seeking more money in my life … thats my hope…
what i find ?!!!
the rich who manage to be rich
they say life there is boring
they tried living beside the beach for days months but thats boring
they tried to watch movies that s boring too !!!
what they find is cool thing
teaching to ppl make their life better
so you too can make your life meaningfully
even if you cant have so much money
it is not very cool thing as many think lol!!!

i tried to write something creative
thats what i write !!! :slight_smile:


That’s interesting stuff. Thanks @saynow


Be froogle and live like a king

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That’s what I do. When I eat at McDonald’s I get the “McChicken Sandwich”. It’s the cheapest item on the menu, and it is also the best. It’s delicious. I squeeze every penny, and I am still able to save a little money. I buy my clothes at thrift stores. Sometimes I find some really good items going cheap. The other people where I live are willing to pay retail at Walmart.

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it’s the journey, not the destination. if you are a trust fund baby (money that is inherited), odds are you may have many material things but nothing else. If you work hard and become rich, chances are you will have more meaningful decisions- like how to be more philanthropic- helping others succeed is one way.

I’m working my way towards independence. I’ve worked hard the past 10 years and have a nest egg for the future or emergency. Doubt I will ever become rich, but I won’t be dependent on anyone else, including the Man.


Well said, Gene


in this economy learn programming and make some nft or a cryptocoin a stupid rich person will buy.

Digital economy now digital asset!! how fast the world is running. It was so much easier to live in the past. After cryptocurrency, NFT appears to be the next big thing. Someone once said that learning about NFT is like learning about the internet in the 1990s.

CW: suicide of famous people

Richness cannot feel the void in one’s heart. I know that well because so many celebrities in Korea ended their lives, including one of my favourite comedians. She suffered from low self-esteem because of her skin condition. I grew up on her comic skits. I was extremely depressed when she passed away.

And one of my favourite boy band members ended his life too. I even wanted to go to his funeral home. I used to listen to his songs when I was a kid. So it made me so bitter that I can’t listen to his songs anymore. Basically the rest of Shinee members were extremely depressed after he passed, including his friends and colleagues.

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I wouldn’t worry about being rich. Just having a job brings enough money usually to live decently…maybe a healthier attitude is to just focus on how to get and maintain a decently paying job? Step by step a little each day.

I have a goal now to apply to at least one place per day in order to get a job. takes about 5 minutes a day.

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Being affluent and possessing opulent items is a dream many people strive for. Of the 2,000+ billionaires around the world, they are acquiring more wealth faster than the average person could earn by working an hourly wage in their lifetime. The mindset, the education and the perspective of people in the upper social economic class compared to those of us schizophrenics in the underclass of the social economic pyramid is so drastically different.

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