How soon does you cognition come back after coming off antipsychotics?

It doesn’t because the voices take over.

Too high a dose can have a negative effect on cognition. Coming off meds and having a psychotic relapse can do the same for many,but not all,people with psychosis/schizophrenia. Work with your pdoc to to find the sweet spot that balances control of your illness with good ,for you, cognition .

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good luck with comming of the meds, brave of you, i would never do it as the pdoc said i will have to take the meds my whole life.

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Your cognition will not come back after stopping antipsychotics. In fact it will become worse. Antipsychotics help organize your brain.


I think if you don’t relapse than you’ll probably be better off off Abilify.

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How did the Latuda help you? Also, when you said that you were psychotic during “all that time” did you mean while in the hospital, or before then?

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It gave me energy and motivation at 80mg. I woke up early and went to work in my mother’s accounting office. I stopped when I started using this forum end of March 2020 and when I switched to Risperdal. I am in bed since then.

I had some positive symptoms, bad nausea and bad akathisia from Latuda. Also at the end the Dr messed up my meds by prescribing me Wellbutin which made me more paranoid and stop work. I want Latuda again but the side effects were too much as I wokeup everynight due to akathisia, also had difficulty falling asleep and with restlessness.

I worked while on Latuda full time for 10 months.

After stopping all my meds positive symptoms gradually got worse until I was hospitaluzed but at first it was too good, no positive symptoms and very little negative symptoms, I was taking 5 courses/semester in university and got several A’s, it was a short lived dream. I wish I could stop meds again but I know that it will end up badly even maybe killing my brother or myself. Too much risks.

Dude, these things happened after a year and I half. If I had a year break with no negative symptoms(My situations weird, I will feel alot of the effect of the antipsychotic for months even after I discontinue it.) and without Cops constantly wanting me to go to the hospital(despite clear and concise conversation and no SI or HI), then I would pay for it. Going for over a year and half while being under control is impressive, and I would(I know some people are going to be against it, but who wants to feel like **** with nothing happening in their life) emotionally recommend maybe just taking a cut and maybe just waiting until a certain point before you take meds again. Just rinse and repeat and before you know it, you’ll have saved years of your life that you lived instead of just laying down, vaping and staring at the ceiling(what you said). There has to be a cooldown time(which has been proved before) from when you stop taking meds to when your symptoms start becoming unmanageable. I think that’s awesome that you managed to go to school and (from what it seems like) finished at least a semester or two. You were going full time and basically doing better than 80% of people by getting A’s. There is medicine(Propanolol for example) that can help you deal with akathesia from Latuda. The fact that you took Latuda while nauseous is kind of impressive, but they have medicine(such a Zofran) that will help combat it. Was feeling nausea everyday worse than feeling negative(bored) symptoms of SZ? It’s honestly about what makes you feel good and progressive. I would’ve traded negative symptoms for nausea any day when I was suffering. Did you know what Wellbutrin was when you were prescribed? I don’t blindly trust my doctor too much and just take what he gives me without looking up it first. But that’s just me. The wellbutrin could have been a good thing for you, but it looks like it didn’t help at all, so at least you saved sometime by knowing that. Also, when you had difficulty falling asleep, that is perfectly treatable as well, as theres at least 10 medicines that could help you do that. So I basically have everything covered, and it seems like the worst symptom(if untreatable, but very unlikely that it is) is Nausea. That really is impressive that you worked while on Latuda for 10 months. I believe in the cause and the effect for evidence that something can happen. If you were perfectly happy, OR AT LEAST better off dealing with those symptoms for that long then you’re probably going to be better off anyway with Latuda. Side effects suck, but if you actually felt like doing things(which is actually what matters), and/or you enjoyed them(I’m sure you did to some degree) while dealing with the perfectly treatable side effects, then I think you’re better off with the latuda direction if you want a functioning med. Positive symptoms are managable as long as their not too bad. They’re even more managable if you practice resilience(there is no limit to how much or how often you do this) as long as you don’t get too tired doing so. But hey, I would rather be tired, than bored anyday. Also, you could practice some cognitive behavoral therapy(this is doable even without a therapist) which is basically replacing bad thoughts with good manageable ones(Ex: You’re hearing hallucinations, but it’s not too bad[perspective], or this soon shall pass. But it seems like you can deal with the positive symptoms to point until you become violent, which is impressive. Honestly, what I said before seems like a good plan, and this is way better than being bored and spending 90% of your time in bed. If you were actually enjoying things(which people tend to really take for granted until they lose that ability, AND progressing through life to the point you were doing too good at university(I would absolutely push myself on this, but by somehow testing out of as many courses as possible and maybe taking a Huge courseload.), then I strongly think that you could get away without taking meds for a decent amount of time. After all, this is your experience, and you could even experiment with taking smaller doses to get rid of returning symptoms and to buy yourself some time. If you had a little bit of positive symptoms come back after a year, you could cut up your 4mg Risperdal tablets into 1mg and then they’ll likely go away. This could last you until probably 2 years, or forever(too be honest). By then, you’ll have completed your Masters Degree, and you’ll be even more set to go. If things get too bad, take a reduced course load or just take a semester off while you’re medding back up. Just go back to your 4mg Risperdal. You could do this during the summer break and be perfectly fine until the next one or the one after that. This is a win/win situation and you’ll always be good when you have to be productive. Honestly, I’d rather go to school 5 days a week and be feeling good anyway, than stay completely medded up, bored and no doing much all the time.

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Only the first couple of months I didn’t have positive symptoms but yeah it was awesome, I wish I could stop meds again but my Dr told me that all meds will stop working if I keep stopping and then taking them again.

I was on Abilify when I finished my university degree. No way I can do that now on Risperdal.

I had some positive symptoms and catatonia on Latuda but yes I was able to work full time. But honestly I feel better now on Risperdal than Latuda because I have no paranoia, no positive symptoms and no catatonia. I don’t know how I made it 10 months on Latuda with all those side effect but its tempting for me to go back on Latuda I just fear that the positive symptoms will get me in trouble as I was irritable and insulting/threatening people online while in Latuda, anger issues. I am much more calm now on Risperdal.

How long can you go before the positive symptoms become unmanageable? About the meds supposedly stopping to work overtime, I have never had this problem, honestly. The “studies” that say that you will relapse harder than before with in a year or two do exist, but I honestly doubt they are correct. Ever time I have had to go to the hospital(and it’s been like 24 times in the past 7 years), I feel the same amount of medicine work the same way. When I’m outside the hospital, I’m never allowed to enjoy a life without negative symptoms for more than 15 days in row without some guy telling me that I have to go back. This is even despite have a clear and concise conversation with them. I never say that I have suicidal or homicidal thoughts. This is why I can’t wait until I live in a house again. No one to annoy me if I accidently do something that draws some guys attention.

What addiction(s) did you have while on Abilify? Was it only gambling? If you had a decent paying job, then this wouldn’t be a big deal. You could take a low dose of a mood stabilizer(these help anger and irritation) if you want to curb down on the online insulting/threating. But honestly, this is only online, so it may not be too big of a deal. We may lose you on, but we honestly enjoyed your time here and only care if you happy with yourself. But since the irritability/anger is treatable, then maybe you won’t have a problem. I had moments when I had negative symptoms that I wouldn’t have minded if I was instead bipolar or narcissistic, as these people(at least for some part with bipolar) can live interesting normal lives.

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It is, federal police came to my house because I threatened to kill someone on Facebook. I couldn’t maintain jobs on Abilify, max 1 month. But I had more eotions and was hanging out with friends and going to the gym daily. On Latuda its the oppisite, I was able to work full time but I lost my emotions and couldn’t hangout with friends. I just went outside my house to work and spoke to friends online.

I never found a good med for me sadly. Everyone has a serious side effect.

I dont have a mood disorder, only sz.

F*k that’s crazy man. Mood stablizers aren’t only for mood disorders. They can curb anger and irritability as well. What kept you from maintain jobs on abilify? Were you just not feeling it enough with some leftover negative symptoms or was it something else?

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I think it was stress, I quit on my own 1-2 weeks later, once after 4 weeks, over 10 jobs in the 8 years I was on Abilify.

Hmm… I wonder what it felt like(there’s different kinds of stress). Was it like anxiety? Would you feel better if it was a part-time job or something very lax that you could work from home on? I work as a futures trader and could technically do well even if I was working only working a few days a month. I mostly spend time waiting on a decent setup(I watch patterns mostly), but when it shows up, I’ll make like 1.5k to 3k in one day. It’s extremely satifisying and It got me past my negative symptoms for some part(yeah, they are kind of powerful). But since I’ve been doing the neurofeedback, I’ve been having better moods and the satisfaction lasts wayyy longer. I think trading in the stock market and following charts is fun, once you get in a decent mood. I’ll feel fine either way if I profit.

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