How’s your weather?

It’s so windy that the wind picked up my little dog (10 lbs/4.5 kg) and knocked him over. Scary!

mild winter day…high around 45 f.

0 C degrees here. Its 23pm too. We have snow these days here in our Sofia :slightly_smiling_face: it seems, that the whole march will be cold and snowy… we’ll have to wait still for the spring, but in the same time, the snow is normal for march… the previous years were hotter though at this time.

It’s 84 degrees Fahrenheit here. I am wearing shorts.

Wierd, when living in the Midwest for a decade. There was barely snow during the winters. Only when i first moved there.

Just had an ice storm in here in the upper midwest. It’s been a pretty standard cold winter I guess.

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