How much do you spend in phone + internet?

I spend around 60 euro a month in phone, cellphone and home internet.

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I’ve only got a 4g phone subscription which robs me of $15 a month. My parents have cable tv + wi-fi + landline, I honestly don’t know the cost, but shouldn’t exceed $30.

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I spend about that on just cellphone and internet. I don’t have a landline.

My internet is a wifi hotspot with a mobile sim in it.

But everything is unlimited. Unlimited data, unlimited talk time and texts.


That’s really cheap. Here is more expensive, thats why you need to combo cellphone+internet if you wanna have both

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£20 sim only phone was bought outright.

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I don’t have unlimited internet traffic on my phone subscription plan. Beyond 30 GB or so per month, I start paying extra. Fortunately, I almost never exceed that quota.

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In France i spend 10 euros by month for my 4g with 50 go of data and for my home internet i spend 25 euros by month, but my best Friend tell me that it’s possible to connect its smartphone on a computer and have internet like this by bluetooth, so i think that in the futur i’ll stop my internet subscription and just have 4g smartphone. If i stop internet AT home i Can save 300 euros by years…

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my phone is free from the goverment, unlimited, my mom pay for internet which i run off of. its about $50.


We spend too much on home internet- there is no competitor so it costs 100.
My cell is 40


We totally overpay. We actually need to call around for prices. We dont have a landline, but for internet alone we pay almost $90 a month. Cellphone, we have 3 lines, and pay about $200.


What a rip off !!


C’est vraiment pas cher… je suis jealoux

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Thats crazy… 151515115

3 lines for 200 is a lot.

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Our phone bill is about $100/mo and our Internet is $50/mo. We tried a cheaper phone company but we couldn’t get service, even with a booster in our home. We have cheaper older phones too. It sucks. I wish it were less expensive


Yeah seeing all of your replys make me realize we’re paying way too much!


Government discount program I pay 7 dollars a month for everything.


You won the prize


here you go

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Are you native american?

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I pay 55 $ for cell phone and 40 $ for internet

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