I’ve struggled with this for years with neighbors. Now it seems like I’m going through some power struggle? With the old woman next door. It seems like if I invade her space it’s like I’m committing some grevious offense and it’s a matter of life or death. And I keep on fighting back but she won’t stop. I don’t want to be a bully but she keeps on repeating this crap. What do you know through a wall?
With old people I usually just act all agast and tell them their deity would be disappointed and shake my head.
More often than not it works. At least for awhile.
I do this to my husband’s grandmother a few times a year.
My neighbors want us to move out. Lol. Ain’t gonna happen.im not going homeless with my cats because they don’t like us. ■■■■■. My neighbors slam hard stuff on the floor. I have one that sits above the toilet and listens to emptying bowels.
I know what you’re feeling. I e got on now. Is the harassment non your end setting down.?
I once lived above somebody who was noise sensitive, even if I flushed the toilet in the night he would complain about me.
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