I’m hoping talking about this and exposing it outside myself will help make me immune to it
I was not sobbing but my tears wouldn’t stop coming out when we were singing
I was so embaressed if I knew someone n yes my old school care taker happened to be the guitar player in the band.
How much do you guys cry, if at all, what makes you cry
i can’t cry, the voices used to call me an actress when i was crying which just stopped me out of shock… i wish crying was more accepted it’s a necessary part of being human, stupid society…
i’m embarrassed to cry in front of my family when watching movies and stuff i want to bawl but the voices have basically taught me to be loving compassionate and sensitive is shameful, so i just block out everything, i wouldn’t recommend taking that path. it is better to be as human as possible and eventually you will meet others who love that you are human and shine upon your path
The last time I cried was five or six years ago when my pet cat died. When Mother died February 2018, I didn’t cry. She was given 6 months to live, and she lived another 5 months. I think the reason I didn’t cry was she was in such bad shape that death was a blessing.
I can’t cry but sometimes I think it pours out of me in talking… maybe I’m the strong silent type at the molecular level, maybe I t’s part flat affect. I dont know.
Feel better though… you are married and have choices. I endorse what you are going for. Treatments can and should continue to improve; it feels as though the FDA is recognizing that current treatments aren’t good enough. Hope this helps.
The last time I cried was at the end of the movie vanilla sky - personally I only cry in dreams and without, I have to have something strike the special chord for me ----- Im not heartless I just can’t cry much