How much do you cry?

I don’t cry anymore but I cry at church.

I’m hoping talking about this and exposing it outside myself will help make me immune to it

I was not sobbing but my tears wouldn’t stop coming out when we were singing
I was so embaressed if I knew someone n yes my old school care taker happened to be the guitar player in the band.

How much do you guys cry, if at all, what makes you cry


i can’t cry, the voices used to call me an actress when i was crying which just stopped me out of shock… i wish crying was more accepted it’s a necessary part of being human, stupid society…

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Yea Idk why I’m so embarrassed to cry in church lol

i’m embarrassed to cry in front of my family when watching movies and stuff i want to bawl but the voices have basically taught me to be loving compassionate and sensitive is shameful, so i just block out everything, i wouldn’t recommend taking that path. it is better to be as human as possible and eventually you will meet others who love that you are human and shine upon your path

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That sucks about your voices. I’m sorry to hear that.

it’s ok. cheers. i just have to find a way to ignite passion again…

The last time I cried was five or six years ago when my pet cat died. When Mother died February 2018, I didn’t cry. She was given 6 months to live, and she lived another 5 months. I think the reason I didn’t cry was she was in such bad shape that death was a blessing.


I never cry anymore. When I was symptomatic, that’s all I ever did.

I cry often. My sad life and experiencies are the reasons why I cry.


I can’t cry but sometimes I think it pours out of me in talking… maybe I’m the strong silent type at the molecular level, maybe I t’s part flat affect. I dont know.

Feel better though… you are married and have choices. I endorse what you are going for. Treatments can and should continue to improve; it feels as though the FDA is recognizing that current treatments aren’t good enough. Hope this helps.

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I don’t cry much. Before I changed meds I only cries once in two years.

I haven’t cried for over a decade now. I’m on AP’s since January 2010 and I haven’t cried since then.

Sometimes I feel like crying but then there’s no tears.

The last time I cried was at the end of the movie vanilla sky - personally I only cry in dreams and without, I have to have something strike the special chord for me ----- Im not heartless I just can’t cry much :frowning:

I sobbed out loud in church once. Now, I wish I could cry and can’t. I want to express my grief but it doesn’t happen.

I was punished for crying when I was a kid so it’s very rare for me to cry.

I don’t cry. I cry if something dies though be it a human or a pet.

I cried after a visit to a Gurdwara, thinking of this lady I fell for a while ago, and of that void in my heart in general.

Also in the mornings when my brain is not very inflamed I can feel very sad about how brief and temporary life is.

This song gets me too, sometimes:


Sometimes I cry privately in the shower. I also cry sometimes when I feel love towards someone but I’ve been holding that in.

Very little . I get tearful sometimes, but it’s as though there’s something physically blocking my ability to shed many tears .

Sometimes i have emotional outbursts of crying, anger,laughter. I am no robot i believe.