How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

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Probably too many. I look every time I go past a mirror.

Not a mirror person really, probably part of the reason I’m single, don’t give a damn lol


Only if I have to go into the bathroom for something, but even then not every time I go in there; I never go out of my way to look at myself. I’m not bothered by mirrors, and I’m told I’m a handsome guy (when I was a teenager I thought I was horribly ugly), but I just don’t feel the need to admire myself.

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Too darn many. I have low self-esteem a lot of the time. I am actually quite baffled when someone finds me attractive.

Usually I look just to see if I got nose or eye boogers. I get too many of those. Used to have problems with my self image. Now I’m much better with that. Just sensitive whenever someone says something bad about my looks. I try to keep the mirror time short when my reflection gets shifty.

not sure . . .
In the morning - I wash my face and check the circles under my eyes - also when I do my make up.
other times just to see if I look fine. I check if i have lost weight once a day.

I also lift weights in front of the mirror. It’s nice to do low weight exercises with dumbbells in my house. Can work out shirtless and see my form and muscles building. Didn’t used to like weight lifting much before, but now I’m into practicing good form.

Agree with @Mountainman don’t give a damn. So just in the morning when I wake up.

sometimes I look when I go to wash my hands. I hate what stares back at me if I look. Sometimes I feel like punching the mirror, but never have. idk.

I’m getting older, so, I have to check myself a lot to make sure I am presentable. This is reality as you get older. When you’re young, you can just take for granted that you look good. When you get older, you cannot do this as much.

“How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?”

whenever I shave my beard.


The guy across the hall tore the mirror off the wall in our buildings bathroom. So it won’t be for awhile.

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Unfortunately there’s a huge mirror in the 1st bathroom directly in front of the toilet,
so I have to look in the mirror every time I have to go.
Curse the houses built before 1980!