How many of us work full time and when was and is your next holiday?

I joined my new job start of September 13th and haven’t had any holiday yet

Is that unusual?

Anyway I’ve asked for 11 days off Dec to jan

I sooooooooooo am looking forward to it.


Happy to hear you”re getting a break! Enjoy :wink:

I usually take one or two days a month, and spend the leftovers at Christmas. I don’t think it’s unusual to work a long stretch and then take a long holiday. Lots of parents save theirs for the half-terms.

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I wasn’t even really planning on taking a long stretch of 11 days.

But my supervisor was like hey look if you take holiday here it’s a long stretch but only 4 of my holiday days!

I was like wow thankyou supervisor.

What is your job?, Beep

I’m a spreadsheet wizard 🧙‍♂️ So I mostly make excel do fun things with macros. I support the finance team with budgeting, and the procurement team with spend analysis. I get to do some tech support, some presenting, some reporting, and some training, as well as managing projects, so it’s quite a mix really. I like variety.

How are the night shifts working out, has it affected your day-life a lot?

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Sounds like a variety yea. Good one.

Night shifts are tough atm.

Only just managing because of the coffee I think.

But it will get easier with time.

It already has to some degree.

You sound pretty skilled for your job :+1:

Work full-time. Get 3 weeks a year. In January it bumps up to 4 weeks paid vacay per year. I’ve only used 2 weeks this year, carrying 1 over. I have from Dec 24 aft thru 26th off. Back to work on the 27th.

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You’d think I was skilled, but I’m not, I failed my A-Levels, and I don’t have any finance qualifications or anything. But I’m not paid lots, because of that. I started out office work answering telephones, and progressed from there.

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I work full time and I get most holidays off. I’m still gonna be taking a vacation in January

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I do work full time, well mostly. My work is based off what I get done and with what quality at my company. Sometimes I don’t do anything and sometimes I don’t really stop. I technically am not scheduled to work weekends but I do sometimes. My next holiday is Christmas day. I don’t generally take long stretches off.

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I think you’re doing very well considering you failed your a levels aswell. And the conditions we have

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Bet you are looking forward to your holiday. In January.

I’m so tired of work atm living off coffee and coke.

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Yea I also don’t work weekends. It’s cool to have set days off. I never had it like that in retail.

Oh OK so you wrk wkend sometimes

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Yeah. In general, I don’t but sometimes there’s a project I have been working on and I figure something out about it and I want to get that down before I forget. Sometimes it’s quick and sometimes I can lose my whole weekend on it.

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