How many here are atheists?

I may be a gnostic now that I read about it…

Or like to think of myself as one

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From the ones I’ve met… yes. I have a family member who is very “righteous” but NOT a kind or caring person. He baffles me greatly.

He considers it a sort of calling of his to get rid of “the god delusion”. Again, I’m totally not a Dawkins apologist :grimacing:

Just an incidental comment. I don’t consider myself a Christian, but I still want Christmas to be called “Christmas”, and not a “winter holiday”.

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I could care less but winter holiday sounds stupid :laughing:

I used to consider myself as an atheist now I can say that I’m an agnostic, I have no clue if God exists or not, so I don’t really care about that


I believe in Gnosticism (not agnosticism) to a limited degree. I believe some people have a seed of enlightenment that allows them to see the world for what it is - a limited, hostile place. I reject the the idea that Jesus ever existed. There’s too much obscurity and opaqueness surrounding the life of Jesus. For a person of that historical significance, there is remarkably little first-hand accounts of his life, nay, not a one. I believe Jesus is a character created by the early founders of the religion. I find it HIGHLY suspect that no one mentions Jesus until about 80 years after his death by the Roman author Josepheus. The whole damn charade is a house of cards, and like all things built on a shaky foundation, start tugging at one small part of it, and the whole travesty collapses on itself.


Call it whatever holiday you celebrate and don’t get mad when people call it the holiday that they celebrate. That’s what I think

They can call it whatever they want. I just don’t want them to force it on me. I have tradition on my side.

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I’m a theist. 15

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I don’t call myself an agnostic because it gives people the impression that I’m 50/50 about it. When in fact I’m 99/1. I think atheist describes me better

Do you think it’s had an effect on the psychotic thoughts you’ve had? If you’ve had any

I think some of the more outspoken atheists are too much. Like you, I’m more of a gnostic, but when people want to pray in public I stay silent and keep the peace.

If it did, I would not be able to tell.

Hello friends, I’m an athiest, living in a very theistic small town. I decided to put a atheist sticker on my car and I got a little feedback from my christian friend tehehehe.

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You mean the Christians didn’t love you like Jesus would? No way :scream:

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I haven’t read Dawkins, but Hitchens felt religion is behind so many major atrocities, historically and currently, that it has to be fought and destroyed. That’s why he hated something he didn’t believe in.

Agnostic, personally. I’m not fussed either way. I do find people who believe that morality doesn’t exist outside divine revelation very frightening, though. I know better, but all I can think is that the only thing keeping them from murdering me is that their god told them not to. They make themselves sound very amoral and savage.

I believe there probably is a God, but I think that if God wanted us to worship him or her God would be more visible to us. I think God put us here to make the best of it, not exist in abject worship of him or her.

I’m a Christian. I think atheists have more dangerous ideas involving this kind of experience, like thinking that their voices, instead of being spirits, are really the government or their neighbors/community projecting voices into their head through a technology. There have been a number of shooters/terrorists in recent years with these atheistic theories involving hearing voices, among other things.

I’m christian but not surprised at the attitude about Jesus on this site…it’s mainly full of athiests and gnostics.