How many days have you suffered

I have suffered 28 years and 7 months. So therefore I have suffered 10,430 days. I am thankful that I made it this far.


I dont keep track of suffering.
I Probably have it better than lots of other folks in the world. So i prefer to focus on my good fortunes than my misfortunes


I suffered mainly for six years then sometimes after that

I don’t think I’ve had days of suffering. I have definitely had days I had to learn from as I would prefer not to repeat them. Even the not so good days contain valuable lessons and experience we can carry forward.

Attitude of gratitude, baby.


I have a similar philosophy @ozymandias

I never lose. Either I win or I learn. Both positive outcomes.


If you’re suffering, you haven’t learned your lessons.

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20 years. I had a delusion of waking up to a cheetah looking at me from a desk. I went to touch it and it disappeared. I hate when someone says to be happy. Ok. Here. Don’t mind the grays.

I need to poop and pee, eat and drink since i am born. As i am getting older i got to provide myself. Sometimes i enjoy it and sometimes it feels unpleasant. Being on the APs gave me unnecessary pain, but i love my life and wouldn’t call it suffering.

Life is suffering so this question is moot. The suffering is for our own sake.

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He as well gave us a recipe.

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No religion. You know the rules and it doesn’t take long for prosetylizing to start around here.