How Manny of you think positive/negative about the future. POLL

I always have mixed feeling about the future but overall I think about it in a positive manner
what about you guys? How do you see your future?

  • Mostly positive
  • Mostly negative
  • I live in the moment
  • I Have mixed feelings about it

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Depends if I’m depressed or not but usually I’m pretty optimistic about and excited for tomorrow


I used to be negative, like, all the time. Now I have Prozac :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol I want to try an anti depressant my doc recommended it a while ago but refused it. I wonder what my life would be like on one

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My depression faded a few years ago and I quit my antidepressent, I am left with schizophrenia and insomnia. As long as my current meds continue to work I am optimistic about the future.

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Moment in time…

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Years ago, when I was depressed and suicidal, I was very, very negative and like all the time. Now, I live in the present. In the now. Sometimes I can be negative. And sometimes I can be positive. So, I am like sort of a healthy mix.

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Mostly positive (+)

I tried pretty much every antidepressant before I found one that works. I’m so glad I did! It’s literally changed my life


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