It’s been awhile for me. I’m divorced now. Your answer is private.
- I just got some
- one day
- two days
- one week
- two weeks
- one month
- two months
- one year
- more than a year
- I’ve never had it
0 voters
It’s been awhile for me. I’m divorced now. Your answer is private.
0 voters
About 2 weeks ago. I have a female friend with “benefits”. She can be hyper-sexual, its not unusual for her to get her rabbit out on my bed.
I aint about to have a relationship with her. And its usually her that instigates it.
The odd random bunk-up can do wonders for your self-esteem and mental health.
Thank God you stopped with the time increments at more than one year and an anonymous poll, cause it could’ve gotten embarrassing for some of us.
Yes if figured after a year the cherries grew back
That’s a nice arrangement @Naarai
Yeah. It aint bad. I almost feel like im taking advantage cos she has quite a nasty dose of BPD. But she jumps all over me.
Were both consenting adults - and she knows i aint about to ask her to move in lol.
About 3 years ago now
Well let’s see. It was March 2012.
February 5th 1963 at 3:23pm exactly.
Just kidding. I’m not even that old. Seems like that long ago though.
lol, I honestly don’t remember, but I know it’s been since before my divorce over a year ago. Maybe it’s been 2 years
Mine was a few months ago. Like February this year.
Same…. Just before I went psychotic
About five years ago.
I’m never having sex again.
My option wasn’t there so I chose the closest which is one year. I just left me fiance a couple months ago but we rarely ever had sex the last year of our relationship and the last time we attempted (yes attempted she ended it early) was new years.
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