How long does post-psychotic depression last?

Hi, anyone experienced post psychotic depression? When does it get better?

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I go back into depression after I’ve been manic. Psychosis does not appear to have an effect either way.

There is no way to know.


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I’m also suffering from a post psychotic depression so far it has went on for almost 1,5 years. I really want to know when it gets better. I wish I could give you an answer.


My post psychotic depression lasted about 8 months. I returned to college within a year, which in hindsight was too soon. But, the more you reintegrate yourself with school or work, the less prevalent your depression will become.

Mine lasted about 8 years.

Mine seems to be lasting almost two years.

depression is acknowledged by most doctors to be part of schizophrenia
antidepressants put me in a position where i can enjoy life

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What antidepressant are you on?


tried others which worked okay
this is my best one


The depression lasts until you find the right ad.


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