After being diagnosed how long did it take for things to get better for you?
I was psychotic for about two and a half years. Then I slowly became stable.
It took me about five years to become functional and probably ten years to really start loving life again.
From initial symptoms, there were 3 years of being a lunatic before I got my insight back. After that I got better and better by the month. Was on medicine the whole time.
It’s been 7.5 years since I first got sick.
As we know it varies from person to person I found different stages through mine I would recover from one stage and suffer another stage for medication change medication except for another one that’s different by the time I got to a medication that didn’t cause these problems it was about 15 years I hope you have a faster recovery do do we have better medicine these days
A year after diagnosis.
15 years before I became lucid.
I was psychotic for decades.
I was properly diagnosed in 1994. I didn’t get better until 22 years later. The depression went away in 2005. But the paranoia, delusions of reference and thought insertions didn’t go away until 2016.
I think the concept of “getting better” is extremely subjective to each person’s perspective. I consider myself better than I was a couple of years ago, as I live in my own place independently and usually only go into the H one or two times a year. But if I was comparing myself to 12 years ago when I was in graduate school, I couldn’t really say I was better. My experience of SZA is that it ebbs and flows, depending on current stressors and efficacy of meds.
I am better than I was 5 years ago. Most of it is because of my circumstances.
When I first got diagnosed with sza until my improvement was three years. Seven years followed of stability then it came back and was on and off ever since
Almost 3 years to find a proper medication load out, and some therapy.
Once I got on the right medication, about 3 years.
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