How long did it take for you to…

Maintain enough of a healthy state of mind, body, and working memory to return to an educational institution or some sort of work?


Immediately after going on disability I started learning part-time via distance learning (The Open University) and got a second degree.

Now after 10 years I’m going back to work in September.


Before Covid I was volunteering 8 to 16 hours a week This started after my mom died in 2018. I hadn’t worked since 2007 before that.

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The first time I had my psychosis in 2010, I went back to work after 6 months. Then in 2020 I had a second psychosis and I stayed out of work for 2 years. Now I am going back.

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Volunteer work is good for society. I need to focus on improving my health first.At one point I was considering volunteering. I am not sure what or where I would volunteer or if I would be a good volunteer.


Good job with the second degree!

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After dxd it took about ~2 years to get into workforce.

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My mental health got in the way of my career and education. I am hoping that in the future I can maintain work.

I think I can be ready to do some work or finish university in a few years.

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Took me around 8 or 9 years. I stopped working at 21 or so, started working full time again at 29


I volunteered about a year after My first psychosis… One morning a week… That’s about all I can cope with in the most part… I’ve studied much more intensively, but it’s not been maintainable in the long-term
I’m currently studying short courses and thinking about doing a morning a week volunteering as well, Unless studying gets more intensive

Hmm, after the first episode it took me almost 4 years and some minor episodes during the 4th year, before my negatives finally got better and I was able to work again.

It really depends, for some people the fight is sterner and they might never work again, for others the med combo works well enough that they can go back to an almost normal life. I think I’m in the luckier group, but I still struggle to hold down a job, possibly because my line lf work involves sustained focus and mental effort.

It took me three and a half years to become relatively stable and free of relapses, albeit with some voices on risperidone/fluvoxetine/benzhexol combo.

About three years from initial diagnosis which makes it about four years from when I became ill.

I was totally gained my mind after schizophrenia attack, after 24 years. Working some how with symptoms in those 24 years but now I am better than a normal human.

I’ve had way too much interference. It’s surprising I’m even alive.

I got diagnosed at age 19 in 1980. I had two years of psychosis which I spent in a group home and the hospital. After 8 months in the hospital I moved into a group home. 9 months later at age 22 I got a job. A year later I enrolled myself in community college. Been working almost steadily since age 22 and I need one more class for my degree.


You’ve must have saved up a good amount of cash. Good job man!


Nope, got a few thousand in the bank. Debt free though. But I’ve been able to afford a car and some luxuries over the years.


That’s good. I wish I was debt free lol, I owe 9000-$ in student loans.