How long can I survive with Insomnia?

I have not slept properly since being on Sertraline.

This drug was stopped about 6 weeks ago, yet I am still averaging about 2-3 hours a night at best.

My dreams are torturing me, and so is being awake. I hate both

No idea how to get out of this without things blowing up in my face

Crisis line says I need to quit caffeine and nicotine, but I can’t do that.

My PRN for sleep I hate taking.


Have you tried sleeping tablets for a few nights?

After that your body might naturally try to sleep at the times you’ve used it

I did that the last two days and found the third night I could sleep but it was only two hours

Before the last couple days I’ve been much like you in that I only get three hours if I am lucky

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I really don’t think nicotine and caffeine is the problem give it time things are just out of whack still from the meds I’ve been through this numerous times


I have a anti-psychotic called Levomepromazine (Nozinan) as PRN for sleep. I can take up to 50mg

Problem is it really makes me feel quite ill when I wake, and it puts me to sleep so long I think I am getting de-hydrated as my mouth is like sand paper.

The current situation I am in warrants the avoidance or cessation of medication (s)

Your suggestion makes sense, but I can’t do it


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I understand, all you can try to do is be calm and relaxed; I’d say drink tea and have a warm shower or bath if you can and it might help a little to alleviate the physical tension that’s keeping you awake

(I’m heavy only nicotine and caffeine too, it’s really wearing me out I believe)

I am sure it will pass eventually, as I do a physical job, and the exhaustion will catch up with me eventually.

Right now it seems like a difficult thing to deal with, but I am trying not to get too stressed about it, as that will just make things worse.

All I do in the early hours is drink coffee and smoke. Really need to stop it, but I am bored, and these things bring me some comfort.

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I have too. Think the problem is the length of time it has gone on for.

It’s making me feel suicidal during the day.

Don’t feel that way at the moment as my brain feels fried.


Yeah 6 weeks is a long time it usually lasts a month for me

I can really relate, it’s the exact same for me and there’s no escape is what it feels like, but I know I could potentially fix sleep issues if I did quit both, but it’s like you say, for me as well, they both bring me comfort and I spent my nights chainsmoking and usually with a caffeinated drink


I had insomnia for one year and two months. In the end a med change did it for me. It was really hard to deal with it. With the new medication(Quietiapine) I finally could sleep at night again.

I average about 4 hours a night.
That’s insomnia.

I’d take it for a while, otherwise this isn’t going to end well.

I had insomnia for 3 1/2 years. I slept 3 hours average those years. I’m surprised it didn’t kill me.

Anyways in my case it was a med problem. I tried to reduce antipsychotics with my doctors approval, but got serious sleep issues.

I discovered I was drug dependent. The only thing that helped in the end was to up the dose of AP’s to help me sleep.

Other than that I recommend low non blue-light in your apartment before sleep.

Taking melatonin, fish oil and magnesium before bedtime has also helped me. Serine might also help.

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