How long can I get away with this injection without being symptomatic?

I got out of the depot injection last Wednesday just gone by saving I was ill… I’m a ill person with my IBS playing up, I’m peed off that I have to have this injection when I haven’t got anything mentally wrong with me.

I’m on a CTO. If I can get to a point without being forced to take this injection and prove to them I don’t need it. I would like this,.
How long can I get away with this injection without being symptomatic ?

You mean away without it?

If so, probably not long. Even on the injection you were posting about having a microchip inside you and trying to dig it out. That’s not something a well person does.


While I’m not a doctor and not qualified to diagnose, I can tell you that your posting history is typical of those who suffer from mental illness.

I’d like to live without my head meds and my heart meds, but it’s just not realistic. Also, that CTO, you know they don’t had those out like candy, right? You have to demonstrate substantial illness over a prolonged period to get one of those.

Get that injection, man.

No idea, but I don’t think you want to find the answer to that the hard way. The best way to get rid of the CTO is to be med-compliant and stop screwing around.

If the injection is invega /xeplion a dopamine antagonist you probably cant go very long.


@anon84461028 it is Invega. They set me up to fail.

Well just for you’ll information - I’m refusing my second injection dose off Invega this Wednesday. I do believe I’m going to be much better this time. I have holidays booked with my as Israel trip in June 2022

Im on invega. It sucks but sz sucks too. They didnt set you up to fail, you have a chronic disease that has no cure.

I don’t have anything wrong with me. I’m here because I have nowhere to turn too.

Sz must have been evident for you to get a cto and benefits.

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I’ve been on a CTO for 10 years. Don’t you think this is weird? That they are out to get me?

I dont agree with some ctos that are given but you lack insight, try to refuse medicine and may not be able to care for yourself

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I appreciate your input but I disagree.

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I’m not in the position to write much as my community nurse reads these boards. And he gets back to my pdoc who is out to get me.

You sound a little bit paranoid. How do you know who reads these boards or what information they share?

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how do they know your nickname?

I know my community nurse dose. Do you want me to explain everything? I’m reluctant to do so as my pdoc reads this and he’s been out to get me for years. I mean out to get me, he implanted me with a microchip in my left armpit and I can feel it.

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This indicates that you are profoundly ill.


Yeah, you need that shot. You’re going to end up forcibly medicated or hospitalized.


My pdoc thinks I’m a special case. Why would it be 10 years?

I’ll have the police coming for me on Wednesday to take me to the hospital. Last time there was 4 big officers.