Hi all; as you know risperidon and paliperidon source drugs raise prolactine levels.only drugs at market which does not raise prolactine levels is aripiprazol source drugs.but i need more information about sex life of aripiprazol users.?how is your libido?is your sex life has enough pleasure like before use the aripiprazol drugs.?is your libido has at enough level that can be continue normal sex life?
Ps; please also write how much mg dose are you take the drug and since when
My arm is sore for a day or two afterwards but that’s about it. I also take clonazepam and take anti-imflammatories and painkillers for my back and joints. Just last night started on olanzapine too instead of getting my injection cause I’m going on clozapine soon
Yeah they stopped the voices for me. Used to take omeprazole but don’t need to with my current drug celecoxib cause it doesn’t seem to do anything to stomachs like ibuprofen or naproxen etc would
Thats good, are you in UK? Man naproxen and omeprazole got me hammered those drugs make me trip big time. Do you have any sides to omeprazole? I had brain fog badly from it
Yeah I’m in the UK. I never really felt any difference when taking omeprazole tbh but at the time i was pretty drugged up on painkillers and diazepam so who knows
Same here in UK, man they love to dope us up I have had a home treatment team come to mine but im just a lost cause really
I had to stop clomipramine immediately due to sides
Omeprazole is very powerful on the brain I could not walk properly for weeks after it the effects were so adverse for me quite scary made me suicidal to
Did someone tell you that? You seem Ok to me.
I told my parents, Believe in ME not some doctor. But they didn’t really, parents can have problems of their own.
Docs told me I would never be able to graduate from school.
Well I proved that wrong!
I also moved away from doctors when I was young and decided I did not want to be a professional patient.
I read on my own and didn’t let doctors tell me what to do.
yes it was tough and I eventually found a pdoc I could tolerate when things affected my jobs.
On 5 mg arpiprazole since one year.libido is avg or below avg n semen count is low.overall low sex drive after Schizophrenia. N arpiprazole is so called best medication for sex. Not satisfied at all
I’m on 5mg and it amps me up in several ways so I take others to counteract that. Too strong of a libido is not a good thing. Impulse control is important.