How is your day going so far

I got up this morning and felt like a 3 but now im going to wash my clothes so thats a 4 then the gym thats a 5 the meeting thats a 6 then back home with nothing to do but lie in bed and suffer back down to a 3 hope to play some video games and keep it a 6 for longer.

6amā€¦just up and relaxing. Going out to have breakfast at Ikea with my sister and some brothers. Should be sweet.


We used to go have their breakfast before coronavirus, its cheap and good. Here they have salmon, eggs, sausages, etc Their fried eggs with toast and sausages plate was 1$ a couple years ago, now its 2-3$ I think.


About a 6 or 7 I would say. Called in sick to work today and now I feel happy and like a million bucks. in other words I told a little white lie to the boss.

Itā€™s cool, I canā€™t remember the last time I called in sick. Maybe February.

I made a few phone calls, ate a good breakfast and lunch, and now Iā€™m over my sisters house in her backyard while sheā€™s at work. Just relaxing in a chair eating some chicken McNuggets. Itā€™s pretty peaceful here, kinda warm.
And by the way, eating binder paper has more flavor than these chicken things. And the paper has better consistency.

I decided to stop talking to this guy I bumped Into in the park. I fear that he will want to be with girls I know. One in particular. Iā€™m not interested in being involved in that. Itā€™s all too painful. Itā€™s a shame though because we had a good connection but anyways heā€™s not asexual thatā€™s a big problem too

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Same as always. I have a breakdown during the day, then loosen up at night. Not sure if its meds or some sza mood swing. Maybe i just feel hidden at night.

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my day started in panic when my food stamps that always come in today didnā€™tā€¦after scrambling around weā€™ve decided to just overdraft a checkā€¦so no worries after allā€¦but to happen on 9/11 was sad too.


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