How is your ability to read

Thanks to Thorazine prn, which I’ve taken 2x each day only missing one dose. I could read better than ive been able to read in a while. I guess my cognition is improved.

I tried reading the Ramayana like 3 times before but now I can concentrate and I read a whole chapter today fine. Will read more later . Seems my mind is functioning much better. Im on 10 mg a day twice


Hmm. . .

Seems Like A Strange Question To Ask People On A Website Constituted With Letters.

Shapes And Spaces That Form Words.

That Form Into Sentences.

That Only Someone Able To Read Can Do.



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I mean like a book. It’s an entirely different thing to read a book than a forum lol. And not everyone reads the long posts I can tell ya. Smartass

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Hmm?. . .

It Was An Honest Question.

No Need For The Strangely Envious Jealous Remark Of Ignorance.


I can’t read walls of text, like a book or instructions.


Hmmmm mmmm


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My reading comprehension is great once I start a book that I’m interested in.

I need to get back into reading. I recently got some books about horror storytelling and screenwriting. I should start one of those this weekend.

That’s awesome you’re still reading!

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@ATARI, I think you were being rude and Tupac simply responded to your being judgmental.

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Hmm. . .

Sorry You Gals And Guys Feel That Way.

I Will Reconsider Before I Post In The Future. How The Reader’s Feeling’s Will Feel.

With My Post’s To Them.

Thank You For Your Understanding.

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My ability to read is quite well. I’ve learned to speed read the forum though my retention is probably only 30% for an hour.

Otherwise if it’s a book on the Civil War or birds or music and some philosophy then I can read for hours once I get started.


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I used to read several books a week. Couldn’t get enough. Now I can’t even read some of the long posts on here (although much better if they are split up with spaces). After a paragraph the letters just get all jumbled in my head.

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My reading is awful. Before SzA I could read novels like nothing but now I can’t even remember what happened on the previous page


Same for me since sz.

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I can read fine for my own pleasure. I doubt I could read for school/university anymore or near that level because of my cognitive decline, but ya, I had problems reading on Risperdal and Abilify for years early on in my illness. I’m okay now. It’s more fear and performance anxiety and me not wanting to be motivated and psyching myself out though more than anything else.

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I am short-sighted and read below my glasses. For street/shopsigns I look through the glasses. The distance reading declined but my shortsight is still as it ever was.

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Thanks @ATARI . That’s all you need to do is to try to think how the other person will feel. No one is perfect. I’ve been rude before too.

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I can read 100+ pages a day if I push myself and like what I read and it’s not too abstract. I struggle with abstraction due to schizophrenia.

Hmm. . .

Okay @Jonnybegood.

I’ll Try Again Here.

I Know How To Read Yes.

Have A Great Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, And Or Night!.

You’re Welcome @LilyoftheValley!.


I am able to read pretty well. I only read the forum at the moment. I’m thinking about signing up for an algorithms and object oriented programming class.


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