How instinctual are you? and what are a human's instincts?

well whatever instincts i have, are being medicated i think. maybe in the past i had some instincts or extra senses but now im rather mundane. what are a human’s instincts anyways?

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My only instinct now is paranoia lol. I think human instincts are basic, fight or flight, eat, f*ck, get money, that feeling when someone is walking behind you.


My chess instincts are good.
Also I have good instincts regarding nutrition.


Are you on meds?

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yes i am. high dose at that.

My instincts were very good as a kid. Now they are often so messed up i dont know when to trust them. I think they are still sharp, in a way, there is just all this “noise” and false alarms. So i dont dare to trust it when i for example have a bad gut feeling, because i fear it is paranoia.

Often the feeling (e.g. “this person is unsafe”) is correct, but the story my mind builds around it isnt. So that someone i better avoid because they wont respect my boundaries, in my mind turns into a horrormovie worthy monster. Then i think “ah, nonsense”, ignore red flags and they hurt me.

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My instincts are greatly diminished bcz of sz and meds.


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