I’m having lots of dreams. Always been kind of a dreamy fellow. Yet it doesnt seem to impact my health in any noticeable way…
My dream recall is poor. When I do dream it often involves getting lost or losing things,
I had almost no dream recall for years. It’s a sign of depression. Also, sleep that doesn’t leave you feeling rested.
I’m doing much better in both regards now.
Is this about having life dreams…like dreaming of a better tomorrow… Or dreaming of a bigger house…like goals…or is this about actually dreaming…because if my sleep dreams are my life goals the world better hope I never recover…and or gain super powers…I have a lot of super charged or violent dreams…its always in self defense…and god help us all if the watcher dreams are even a little true…
It’s about having goals. Something I struggle with.
Oh so it’s about that… my bad my bad… I also have goals but now they seem so far-fetched…