How dopamine leads to hallucinations

My visual hallucinations where always of heads that looked like they where made out of energy. I’ve seen heads floating around and I’ve seen them shoot out of peoples faces. Dopamine sure is strange, lol

In the basic principle,the human being who searches about the root origin of the fundamental change (mutation) that induce the sz condition OR the starting point of the change which followed by functional disorder and then the emergence of the inner suffering and symptoms outputs

There is no actual defect (quantitative // qualitative ) at the level of neurotransmitters that led to ideological change in the concept of the unite of self-thoughts which produced by the original broadcast source (whether you think that the source is inherited genetically or acquired mentally !

Whatever the number of self-thoughts that produced by the original broadcast source,their speed or its repetition per unit of time,all of these will not stimulate the secretion of more of dopamine to the point that it leads to a disease /illness condition,whereas all self-thoughts production in form / object will take place normally within the scope of the balance state without problems,symptoms and does not need to medical intervention to treat it !!

The change ,then the disorder ,suffering and the appearance of symptoms will occur successively as soon as the movement of the imaginary scene that depicted in the imagination theater of the human host And the voices of hallucination appears in the state of the Conscious Mind of the human host

Please,you must read what we said carefully and understanding it well because it is a real challenge to all intuitive observations / diagnoses and all theoretical assumptions made by science over the course of a hundred years and more

The self-thoughts of the person with sz that stem from the original broadcast source (inherited or acquired) have nothing of defect leading to the sz condition or its symptoms outputs,even if the self-thoughts of the person are all wrong from beginning to end,because the fundamental change (mutation activity) occurs as soon as the sound of hallucination appears in the arena of the conscious mind of the person, and this sound is the factor that will change the concept of the self-thoughts even if they were wrong from the original source

The conscious hallucination will re-understanding what has been understood mentally by the mind of the human host ,and no matter if the self-thoughts is wrong or right , he re-understanding single thought after another not a group of thoughts at once

You should know the fact that;
The hallucination induces an independent malicious transmission that start from the point at which the original transmitter path ends !
(the original transmitter is the dopamine as you think who carried the informational message from the self transmission center )

The hallucination begins to emit a malicious cognitive message (vocally) when the path of the self transmission ends in the receptor cells,during that the conscious mind of the person perceives the meaning of the self cognitive message and gives his rationality view

It means that,the hallucination entity reads the self cognitive message which received now by the receptor cells ,specially after the conscious mind of the person has an understanding of its implicit meaning,immediately after that moment

  • The hallucination’s transmission consist of 3 effects as following ; a moved imaginary image (s),and audible vocal message that ends with a reinforced feeling (but we speak only about the audible vocal message ) ,all in one package (image,voice and feeling)

We want to explain that,there is no defect in the material of the original neurotransmitters,nor in the original transmission path,nor even in the way the receptor cells receive the self cognitive message of any transmitter NOR in the rationality of the conscious mind of the person
all of these have not a role in the malicious transmission of hallucination !
Just an parasitical transmission occur after the receptor cells receive the self transmitter message

When the hallucination issues the vocal malicious message in the conscious mind of the person
THE question;
Are hallucination using the original transmitter (like dopamine) in its vocal transmission ?

Purpose,for the sake of argument, that the hallucination uses the dopamine in its transmission !
Without slightest doubt,there are radical differences between the self cognitive message (soundless) and malicious cognitive message (audible vocal ) that be sent by the mutational factor (hallucination)

the most important difference,the amount of neural energy that is draining / released to create the effort required to transmit the malicious vocal message from its starting point to the end of its path is much than the energy amount needed to transmit a signal of cognitive message throughout the brain cells !

The problem in the amount of neural energy that the person loses during the process of listening (receiving) the malicious cognitive message of the hallucination,it is much greater that the energy that transfers the original transmitter from the transmission center to the receptor cells

In other words
the issue is not an increase in the secretion of dopamine,but rather a sudden increase in the amount of neural energy that is released and drains during and after receiving the malicious cognitive message that is induced by the hallucination (the mutational factor )

I suspect that chocolate makes my hallucinations more vivid. To be fair, I did not have this suspicion before I started to visit this site. It is probably a combination of factors, but around 100-200g of milk chocolate probably does factor in.

Dopamine causes hallucinations, but I think it also helps with concentration.

Could be wrong.

My psychologist told me that there was an excess of a particular brain chemical that was leaking out to parts of my brain where is was causing problems. I assume she means dopamine.

I do remember back the the 12 months before my psychosis started, I was watching some dating advice videos (back in 2006) and they made me feel like I could do anything, like a massive dopamine hit. Maybe that is where it started for me.

During the course of binary exchanged dialogues between the person’s mind and the hallucination entity (s) ,which span a very long time of wakefulness,it does not happen by mistake even for a once that the hallucination tells the person it is his psychological self nor it a separate part thereof,or trying to forcing the person to believe with a something such as

During the mutual dialogue ,the hallucination (s) is speaking to the person ,referring to him with pronoun (You),while the person speaking to the hallucination entity (s) ,referring to it by one of the following pronouns; he,she or they

When you see a person with sz living alone,while he seems as he speaking to himself
In reality,he does not speak to himself (as you think),nor he listens to his self-thoughts,rather he is not in a one-sided dialogue with himself ,but he in the case of two-way,reciprocal dialogue with another interlocutor (s) ( a parasitical psychological entities be called hallucination),regardless of his identity or where he is located in the actual world

Before You ask the question; How dopamine leads to hallucinations ?
Ask yourself ; Do you know what is hallucination as it as in its actual nature?
As the person feels it inside himself ,outside the diagnostic material of any external observer who feels nothing !

As we say, the main task of the human science is just to know what is the actual Supernatural Characteristics of the phenomena that be called hallucination (of sz condition ),
in the case,if you do not know the hallucination as it as in its nature, all your attempts well be fail to find any causal relationships between it And any biological, anatomical ,genetic,chemical ,medical,psychological,environmental factors ,because it is stranger supernatural characteristics from all aspects !

Therefore,the therapist who tries to designs a typical treatment to overcome the bad side symptoms that arise from the influence of the hallucination on the content of the person’s cognitive culture And on mental chemistry background (Directions,Path,quantity,types,instantaneous velocity,repetition rate per unit time…etc of the self electrochemical signals )

He must know everything about the hallucination as it as in itself from A to Z ,a prerequisite that his data knowledge corresponds to the actual reality of the hallucination (composition,function,operating mechanisms,influence moods,the host reactions that arise from the H’s influence on the human basic nature

He must know the GPS of the hallucination in the basic nature of the human host ( How the substance of hallucination distributed in the basic nature of the person )
The time and speed of the Main Process of hallucination that induces the endless cognitive change in the self-knowledge that leads to endless functional disorder in the mental chemistry processes And the bad side effects of these processes ( we meant the symptoms that you diagnose,classify, and call them the symptoms of schizophrenia ! )

First thing you should notice,is the essential difference between your outlook of the sz’s symptoms and our view of them

We view them (except the hallucination) as the final outcome of the metabolism outcomes of the Main Process of (H) which affects on the content of the cultural data which implicited in the self mental process And the associated biochemical background ,

These symptoms in reality,THEY are bad side effects of hallucination effectiveness that must be eliminated by all means Available to restore the stability to the mental state and the balance to the chemical background ,and make the person in the best condition to resist the successive influences all time of wakefulness !

It’s just brain chemistry. It is no more nor less.

Chemicals alter brain chemistry for similar results. Lsd 25 does this well. You talk a lot and I’ve read your theories but I think your wasting a lot of energy on your own little crusade…I’m not sure if your sz but it’s classical sz behavior.

No mater what you say
The question: how the person feels the hallucination inside himself?
please,answer about the single question !

I explained it. It’s simply problems with neural pathways. The content doesn’t matter as it’s a physical issue. Think about it all you like but it’s nothing more nor less.

What is the content ?

It’s like delusions. It doesn’t take long for someone in the know to say that is delusional.

Sure. It may take a while to figure out whether it’s internal or external but it’s still hallucinations. It doesn’t matter about the content…It can be about anything but it’s still delusional and simple to spot for those in the know!

The hallucination causing the delusions in the data content which treated mentally ,it changes the connotation concept of the self-thoughts
In other words,the hallucination in itself is the maker of delusions ,this means that the hallucination is THE CAUSE while the delusions is THE RESULT !!
OR the hallucination is the Action while the delusion is the reaction output !
If you know the CONTENT of hallucination ,you can answer in correctness !

It’s a hallucination. It’s a positive symptom that is reported where it should not in general population.

As sz and drug use causes it you’d think one is related to the other. It’s meaning or content isn’t relavent. Perhaps why you aren’t understanding the problem and wasting energy on trying to find meaning in the process.

The schizophrenia health condition is a new living features that the person felt and remains feeling them inside himself in any period time of wakefulness,they are constant features that never changed with pass time ,and there is no any thing in our natural word can effects its existence nor even any kind of medication ,Except the deep sleep or loss consciousness state !!

These features is the things that you know them be term (hallucinations) !!
They are the pathogen of the condition you call it schizophrenia ,and you can not find any other pathogen

If it was a pathogen then you’d have more than 1%.

It’s a genetic trigger getting hit. Otherwise why would countries all around the world have the same pretty much prevalence rate?

It’s not a pathogen but it could be caused by genetic triggers getting hit in utero.

You need to rethink what your saying!

We meant by the word “pathogen” ; the causal factor, the cause, the functional cause,the existential cause,the final cause ,the thing who create the whole condition existentially and causing all its symptoms functionally ,the single cause
It is parasitic in nature not genetic 100% and we challenge the WORLD in that !
It is impossible to creates the Pathogen in the lab by any scientific actions

When you say ; could be caused by genetic triggers…etc
It is just a written words not actual truth

You say pathogen in the same context so how can that be actual truth too?

You seem like someone wanting to confirm your convictions over simple science. I just do simple science.

The cause is a genetic trigger getting hit. That is pretty much what happens till we get understanding of a cure so we both could be right but I’d reconsider your use of pathogen in your posts…

From the detail of the hallucination content ( the structure)
The hallucination have not organic body, nor cell structure ,nor biological system, specific metabolism, and does not react chemically with the chemical substances

the hallucination behaves and acts in the conscious mind of the human host like a gene ,it produces an audible-vocal operating orders to creation a mental concept (delusional concept) and imprint it in the personal memory of the person to becomes a natural part of the self-knowledge of the person ,and he has 2 options,accepts the delusional meaning or reject it !
Do you think I am wasting my time when I told you the actual fact !