How does schizophrenia affect you other than delusions or voices?

I need help to explain it to a friend

I had negative symptoms besides delusions starting in 2013. I stopped shaving and showering every day and eventually wouldn’t leave my apartment to go anywhere.


Blunting of emotions. Lack of drive to interact much with the world. Trouble taking care of myself.


The negs mean that you go through life feeling like a boat trying to sail with its anchor dropped.


All of the above, especially the overwhelming feeling of fatigue.


Pseudobulbar affect.
Hard to deal with myself and life.


thanks Jeffrey,
i relate… can you say more? i’m looking for a really good explanation what negatives are?
maybe i should just look up the symptoms again!

thanks Ooorgle
can you be more specific about how it’s harder to take care of yourself?
i really find this in so many ways and need to be able to tell someone

thanks velociraptor
that’s a pretty good explanation

thanks Sarah,
yeah absolutely agreed with that one

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thanks Yellowdiamond

it’s just a very slight problem for me. laughing uncontrollably sometimes
i think that symptom / syndrome sounds difficult i just read about it

how do you find things difficult otherwise?
i need to explain myself to someone

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It has made me overly subconscious (or is it aware?) of my surroundings and made me aware of how awkward I am… which makes socializing hard sometimes and I am less willing to take risks… but perhaps this isn’t caused by the illness and instead caused by me aging? Idk


i have difficulty taking care of myself too. managing daily life in the way of finances, some sort of real difficulty in supermarkets deciding what go buy like ÂŁ90 on fish suddenly once
i find motivation very difficult - very specific negative symptom
i find appointments very difficult to remember
my husband helps, but i used to manage a diary or a job and meeting people
can’t remember having a difficulty with that at times living with mum or independently - long time ago now.
this doesn’t sound like a lot of problems
there has to be more to it

i’m going to look up schizophrenia to try to write a long explanation

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I didn’t get any pleasure from anything and I lost my motivation. I felt depressed and anxious and started getting suicidal thoughts


thanks Human
it does make a difference that- i’m aging too.
but yeah spontaneously or otherwise i have problems making conversation big time
Which is pretty complex problem, but it affects so much… Some of this has been better over time but generally not
I think by this person I’m trying to explain to judges me by her own parameters
This isn’t really her fault, quite a normal thing

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Schizophrenia can block you from recalling memories
Schizophrenia can block you from thinking
Schizophrenia can paralyze your body
Schizophrenia can control your body
Schizophrenia can torture you with feelings that you can compare to extreme physical pain in intensity and in unpleasantness; imagine a person in extreme pain - a pain so bad that they are screaming. Would you expect this person to do anything (other than lying in bed and screaming), like going to work while being tortured so badly?

These are obviously not something that everyone with schizophrenia experiences, but I have experienced all of those, and all of those can affect the behavior of the suffering person.


“How does Sx Affect me”. STIGMA.

Short and simple. The ex-wife crapped herself when she knew i copped it - and i wont go on about the bstards in public either.

Understand you pathetic normies that we all dont carry a sawn off axe in our back pocket.


Um. I usually walk around with a machete in my pack for protection.


Haha - not in the uk you couldnt, you would be lifted.

Feel free to bite my ankles tho! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Frowned upon here, but I’ve had close calls with wildlife on the more remote trails I walk (coyotes, bears, wolf one time). Plan A is the bear spray, but Plan B is the machete if there’s a strong wind. It’s unnerving to realize there about five coyotes tracking you along the trail.

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