How does bi polar affect you?

How does this illness ( bipolar) affect you ?.

I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t have bipolar so I’m just trying to figure it out more.

What does it do to u and what feelings do the meds block ?

Fox out


I’m worried about you bro. I hope you get your diagnosis and everything squared away one day.

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Walla sup… u went off mood stablizer…!!! Best of luck my man…!!!


Hey man I will be fine brother bear.

I just need to find out what’s hampering me and then take action



For me, bipolar is very bad thing. When I worked good than I take the responsibility of a lot of duties but unable to fulfill it. Bipolar effected my carrier very much.


I feel so good right now I can’t believe I have been taking a mood stabaliser for so long.

I’m ambitious and set on my goals now I feel like I’m flying with joy !!!

Amazing how good I can feel from stopping lamotragine


But I think @anon1152203, that mood stabilizer tablets are for to avoid Bipolar mind.

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Sounds like hypomania.

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Already manic? :rofl:

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Hypo mania is nice @anon1152203 its nice but takes time to control it


Bipolar effects me by making my moods have a mind of their own. I could be just going along living life and WHAMO I get hit with a down mood for no reason. Sometimes they last for hours, sometimes days, sometimes they just keep getting worse and worse till I’m so depressed I can’t get out of bed. Then there is the other side of the coin. Sometimes I feel happy for no reason, and it will show in my behavior. I may start to cook and clean and sing while I do it. I will start to socialize and need far less sleep. It feels great. But it doesn’t stop there. Usually I stop getting much sleep at all and I start making bad decisions like taking drugs, gambling and risky sex. Bipolar steals my common sense and changes my personality. Some people act like that’s just who they are but for me it’s just a disease that I have that I need medicine to keep away.

I have mixed episodes. Without my Depakote I am depressed one minute and can be manic the next. I can feel these emotions at once. It’s pretty bizarre. Depakote has been a lifesaver for me. It settles me down to a more manageable, even level.

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I usually cycle weekly high to low. Almost never a middle ground.
So I try to get stuff done when I’m up and chill when I’m down.

You have to stay balanced. It sounds like you’re getting manic which may feel good for a while but what goes up must come down eventually whether it’s hours days or weeks. I’d ask the doctor to maybe reduce the dosage. Maybe it was too much, but don’t come off them completely, find the middle ground. Trust me I have bipolar symptoms too with my schizoaffective and I’ve been able to find some balance.

How’s your diet and sleep?

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I have only had mania during medication changes and due to alcohol and drug use.
When manic I tell people what I think, without considering the consequences.
I also buy a lot of things that I don’t need.


I range from sleeping 7-9hrs when I’m decent. Up to 12-15 if really bad)
I range between eating super healthy (last night dinner was quinoa,avocado,bokchoy,corn on cob other veggies.) and then fast food (egg McMuffin, pizza etc)

I tried a super healthy strict diet for months and it had no effect on my well-being mood wise.

I once even tried eating salmon every single day for 3 months cuz I Read it would help but it didn’t.

Hmm true… Well bipolar does seem to be a disorder of extremes. Have you ever tried not eating “super healthy” but just healthy? Maybe such a balance between the two is needed…maybe just add red meat and maybe ice cream for desert to your healthy meals and that way you Wong be tempted to fluctuate between the two. I’m really glad to hear you’re able to get enough sleep. I haven’t slept a full night in maybe weeks. I’m not on meds, but I need something to help me sleep. Any advice?

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It makes you very, very depressed and can even make you suicidal at times. It can also make you very happy and energetic and feeling on top of the world at other times. Sometimes it can make you very irritable, angry and argumentative. It can make you either sleep too much or not enough. It can also make you spend too much money. And have too much sex with too many people.

We probably have opposite in terms of sleep. I get hypersomnia, you sound like you get insomnia.

You could try exercise. Try some herbal sleep tea like passion flower or valerian. Strong tea.

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