I have been so withdrawn, I haven’t even concerned myself with that question for years. But it came to mind this morning and I think I need to think about it. It means gaining more control over myself and my actions. Sometimes it seemed like I only wanted to be remembered as a pain in the butt.
Well, there is the issue of needing money which requires a good reputation.
I wish to be rembered as a wise, kind, big hearted person.
Hopefully I will be remembered for having been a good mum to my son.
And that was all she wrote
I honestly don’t care how I’m remembered.
My family think of me as a problem anyway.
They won’t change their minds.
Odd thing trusting one’s legacy to the caprices of other people’s mnemonic powers.
I think they’ll say things after I’m gone,
and not all good things.
Loving and kind
I want to be remembered in the form of a horrible stench after you hit me with your car. My last will and testament will linger on.
I don’t want to be remembered, just vanish, and no, im not suicidal or depressed (right now) but i like the idea of nothingness
I want to be remembered, by not giving up!!!
I want to be remembered as a nice guy who has a good heart and is very generous which I am.
I want to be remembered as someone who loved too much for her own good.
Don’t care if I’m remembered. I was honest mostly, never deliberately harmed anyone, and sought the truth.
I want a small funeral.
Nothing big and fancy.
When I was young I wanted to be remembered. But I outgrew that.
If I could just remember myself…
I don’t know if I want to be remembered.
Because would it do someone good to have me remembered?
I just would like people to move on. I think