How do you rate schizophrenia

Well, that’s true. But people all over the earth deal with bad sh*t on a daily basis who aren’t schizophrenic. And contrary to popular opinion, there are worse things in life than schizophrenia.

You’re sitting in your warm home operating a computer. You could probably get up and get a drink of water in the kitchen when you get thirsty, maybe grab a little snack and if you have to go to the bathroom you have a shut door for privacy. That means you are doing better than millions and millions of non-schizophrenics world-wide who have none of those things. So right there your life is a little better than many people.

How about living in a refugee camp while a war rages around your country at 9 years old with your parents and with 10,000 strangers and all you eat every day is a serving of rice a day and have to walk ten miles to get a cup of water. And some days you have nothing to eat at all? And to defecate you share a hole in the ground 5 feet from your door with 50 other refugees. Sounds worse than schizophrenia to me if you picture what their life is like on a daily basis.

There’s a billion children on earth who won’t live to see 8 years old. They either die from starvation, or they get killed in a war they had nothing to do with. Or they just disappear one day and are never heard from again, maybe they got kidnapped or killed by a sick child molester or get abducted and are forced to work in the sex trade Or they die of some disease that is easily preventable with some drug that here in the U.S. we could buy over the counter from Walgreens any time we like but they don’t have any access to it anywhere in their whole country

How about being born in a third world country and living in poverty from the day you were born until the day you die?

And even closer to home is the fact that many, many other schizophrenics will never have a computer.

From another perspective, how would you like to be in one of those camps while having schizophrenia? Or be in jail or prison with schizophrenia?

Everything is relative.

And in my own case I’ve had paranoid schizophrenia for thirty eight years. My life isn’t nightmarish. I live in a nice apartment, have a part-time job and a few luxuries. I’ve suffered for sure but I survived and I have a million good memories from the last 38 years to dwell on and reflect on as I get older.


Scarier than living through a tornado in front of a big glass window while more than 50 big hardwood trees are slapping down around me, many only about 20 feet away, at the age of about twelve.

Less scary than waiting in a holding cell in a jail for hours after being arrested and processed during a psychotic episode.

Yes, I’ve experienced both.

Many people have experienced worse. :frowning: But, I guess that’s how I compare psychosis to my other experiences.

And, I imagine that remorse or sorrow can be worse than fear, but I thankfully haven’t had to deal with much of that.

“Tears and fears and feeling proud…”
(Both Sides Now lyrics)

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Unfavourably. Better off without it.

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