How do you negotiate withthe voices

how do you do it…

You don’t. You do your best to ignore them and live your life. They may never go away, but try your hardest to avoid giving them any power over you, no matter what.


i just cant ignore the voices…they have total power over me

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try to compromise find middle solution
i find running trigger them so i walk , jumping , other sports :rowing_man::rowing_man::rowing_man:

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Try to tell them they can’t hurt you. They can’t touch you.

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When my cat gets mad about something, she likes to hiss and hit me. I could smack her, hiss back at her, but while these things surprise her, they also result in her continued retaliation. The worst thing for her is when she hisses or attacks and I don’t react. I act as if she never did anything at all and keep on with whatever I was doing no matter how angry she gets. This communicates to her that I have absolute power over her, that nothing she does will make me change my behavior in the slightest, that her biggest attacks are so beneath me that they don’t even warrant a flinch. She doesn’t run me and she knows it, and this realization alone is enough to subdue her.

Voices are like that too. Ideally, whatever part of your mind that’s screaming for attention when you hallucinate should have no direct bearing on your actions. With practice, your voices will learn that you’re the one whose in charge. It’s like a sense of learned helplessness, a sense of futility that is certain and absolute.


Some articles I’ve read say that conversing with the voices is a good thing, but in my experience any communication with the voices is like throwing gas on a fire. The only way to get silence is to completely and totally ignore them, even if they are calling you the worst names and making horrible noises like the possessed girl in “The Exorcist,” which is what mine have been doing lately.

I know it’s hard but try to just pretend it’s wind blowing through the trees. It’s a lot easier said than done but it works.


I used to listen to them very obediently.

If I get them again I will negotiate times when I will listen. Can’t be listening to them all day. I have a life to live.


Yeah, there’s an entire movement for “voice hearers” who think that hearing voices is normal and healthy. They say that ignoring the voices is like ignoring a part of yourself, and that what they say should be analyzed to death. I think it’s reckless telling people that they should listen to their voices. Just because they don’t start off dangerous or violent doesn’t mean they can’t end up that way. If you hear voices but don’t have psychosis then you are lucky, but don’t walk around acting like it’s okay to treat your voices like real people.


They’re not people. Don’t negotiate. You have absolute power in this situation and you should do your best to maintain it.


I feel that the hallucinations are from an egotistical controlling dimension that wants power over the schizophrenic.

Ideal state is totally shutting that dimension out of your head.

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You don’t negotiate with the voices, they’re not real and there’s no point. In a quarter century plus of dealing with this illness it’s been obvious to me that the people who “play with” their voices generally have the worst recovery of all. Meaning either none or they make themselves worse. Those who refuse to engage with their voices are almost always those with the best outcomes.

If you want the rest of your life to suck harsh, go ahead and “negotiate” with the broken part of your mind. Or you could choose recovery and ignore that crap.


You can’t negotiate with them because the things they want you to do usually harm you, or is something you simply can’t do. The only negotiating tool I have are the meds, and a learned indifference. I played with them for a long time but now play time is over and I have nothing to show for it other than wasted time. That may not be so wonderful but some things in life aren’t. Just like countries fall apart so can minds. I know from experience is all you want them to do is stop talking. Well they can’t. They are a part of your mind that is outside your direct conscious control because they have gone haywire. They can’t stop even if they want to. If drugs don’t work stay as busy as you can. There are no easy answers.


Mostly I ignore them. They can be ■■■■■■■■.

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the voices are you with some type of belief in my experience. without any beliefs they seem to go away. beliefs can be any type of judgement like I am a good person or a bad person or really intelligent or really dumb or whatever kind of belief. dont believe anything about yourself or anyone or about others and they go away. I think they all come from some type of self judgement belief like I am a sinner or any type of belief about anything.

I really don’t. I just hope that it will pass by. I take extra medicine and sleep through it. When my voices talk, it can be very loud and scary.

Hi Sardonic I could not have put it better myself.

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Well I try and stop them from talking with meds but whilst they are still there and if they are not talking complete jibbersish I do decide to listen a teeny bit. The voices have been bringing to the surface things on my mind and I think it’s good to face those things. Not necessarily the case for others.
For me, I don’t think listening to them makes them worse. Perhaps even the opposite, because I’m not listening and they want my attention. Perhaps!!

That’s an example of indirect influence. If your voices are constantly calling you a piece of shít, there’s nothing wrong with then deciding to work on your self esteem. That’s not the same thing as arguing with them and trying to get them to stop, yelling that they’re wrong. They’re not sentient; they’re the product of your own mind. Trying to force them to stop is like trying to force yourself not to think at all. It won’t work because it’s unconscious and involuntary. You’re telling your mind to stop thinking, and all that does is make you more aware of your thoughts. Same with voices. It’s an involuntary process. You can’t influence it, so you may as well stop trying and do your best to live the same way you’d live if you never heard any voices at all.

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I found that if your just speak jibbersish like, What do you know about parriots! or No I dont have 5 Dollors, or bap bap app app, they can’t engange with your inner speech, or your natuaral right to use inner speech to work things out!

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