How do you manage to work in a 9 to 5 job even though you lack interest?

How to change our attitude towards work life for a better and meaningful career and life?


Good question…

I used to be happy with any job. Now I just can’t be bothered/lack interest

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As you work, you find yourself needed and that’s motivating.


My job isn’t particularly exciting but it’s easy, pays pretty good, is stress free and I enjoy it so that’s good enough for me.


So do you still work? May I know what kind of work you do or used to do?

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That’s great. I wish you all the best. May I know what kind of work you do?

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Good point.

What kind of work you do if I may know.

No I do not work… I’ve had about 3 jobs since being diagnosed, and I only managed to stay at each one for about 3 months before I quit…

Before being diagnosed I was a fry cook at a gas station/market, I worked in retail, I cleaned at a grocery store over night, I worked at coffee shops and picked up garbage for the state. (Obviously I didn’t have all these jobs at once)

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I’m a delivery driver. I just drop off packages on peoples porches, stuff they ordered online. I’ve been with the company for 6 months now.


I too am like this… can’t work for long. Quitting within a month. I did 4-5 jobs like this

Nice to see that you are doing good.

I wish you all the best.

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Thanks @latenightsurfer

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I love my job. I’m a peer support specialist. I make good money, the job is fulfilling, and I have a great team connection

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Just to be accurate my job isn’t 9-5 and I only work part time, I was hired for part time only. There are various shifts available. The earliest is 10am-6pm and the latest is 1pm-9pm. I usually take the 1pm-9pm shift because I don’t have to set my alarm in the morning, I can wake up naturally and just relax and take it easy in the morning. But I have worked all shift times, but have come to like the 1pm shift the best.

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See i have a 9 til 5 job i used to love working and then I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was off work for a year before going back again and its just not the same well 2 years because I was on maternity leave but anyway it jus hasn’t been the same since I jus go in and try and be happy even when I’m not x

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I used to be a medical receptionist


That’s great… You are very lucky.

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That’s nice how are managing your situation.

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Yeah I can understand.

Dude your dp is sick haha

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