To all the older members and the younger members…how do you keep going when you feel like giving up?
Jake i feel …!!! I don’t see hope in my life …!!! I don’t know how to live.!! Most of the time i feel like empty …!!!
I don’t know. I just do it. Sometimes things work out sometimes they don’t.
good answer 1238498498 15 characters
I believe in a Higher power.
another good answer!
I have a belief or suspicion that it would be worse if I snuffed it. Therefore I give myself small things to look forward to. Christmas. Marvel movies with my nephews. Going out to dinner. Etc.
This is not a good response but what I’ve been doing lately. I imagine there is a pill that will end everything immediately with no pain or anything. I imagine I have gotten permission from everybody in my life to take the pill. Then I take my imaginary pill and it brings me peace because it is the end. The peace washes over me and I let go of everything I’ve been worrying about and everything I think I can’t cope with. It all floats away. Then I focus on the peace and keep that with me as I get myself together and try again.
I’ve worked out that what I want to end is all my feelings, not me, and that helps.
I would take a rest and give myself a break until I feel fresh again and could give it one more try. I might reflect on myself after a while and grasp some useful idea such as what makes me fall and what is helpful to me. I sometimes find useful strategies and focus my attention better.
Hope keep me going
Positive thinking
Counting blessings for instance I have warm home
It is very hard yes
The love i have for my husband. Family ties. A few good friends. But especially my husband.
I decided a long time ago, about 20 years ago, that giving up is not an option. I don’t want to harm my family in any way after all the traumas we have been through. I am glad I did not do anything really stupid, like self harm or suicide, because now I am feeling really good. I have probably gone through about 60 medications in the last 20 years, and I am finally dialed in. It took a long time and a lot of hellish symptoms, but it feels like I finally popped out on the other side. If I would have giving up I would either be dead, or living a hellish existence, and I would never have made it to the great place I am at now. There is always hope.