I HATE being admitted. You don’t get to go outside and do your thing, you don’t get any privacy or personal time or other basic human rights while there or when you leave even, you rarely to ever get to see your family and friends, instead you’re just stuck inside a building and forced to swallow pills. I understand it’s supposed to help, but I can’t stand it. I just got out a hospital earlier today from a 10 day stay (1 week and 4 days) and the last time I was admitted was when I was 15 back in 2013 at Palmetto Health Baptist for a three week stay 2 years back in late May to early June. This time Three Rivers, and it was because my own family had admitted me after my grandfather had discovered the safety combination lock for his gun safe was destroyed and he discovered that I tried to tamper with it for a third time after destroying his previous gun safe so I could get the gun out and shoot and kill my whole family and then myself. I am currently medicated on Risperdal, Depakote and am still being prescribed my Trazodone while I was taken off my Adderall, Abilify and Wellbutrin, because my doc figured that since some of them (especially the Adderall) were addictive, and I’ve already got problems, that would probably make them worse, so she decided to take me off of them. But at the same time I am somewhat thankful for my admittance to the hospital, even though involuntary and long. I am staying away from drugs and am trying to get my life straightened out here. I only take one drug in the day time (morning actually) but if that drug comes to a hault in progress, what are some lines I can dial that could provide me some help and support without being involuntarily admitted again?
And also, I was never voluntarily committed by myself. By both times I was admitted to mental hospitals, I was involuntarily committed, first by my former counselor who I thought I was supposed to trust with to take my issues personally and confidentially, and then my mother and her father (grandfather to me) who called the police on me to have me transported.
And another note is that while I may not have been diagnosed with full-blown schizophrenia (maybe not yet at least) but I am diagnosed with either Schizoaffective Disorder or Schizophreniform Disorder (my counselor told me the former while a doctor told me Schizoaffective while I was in a hospital waiting to be transported to another one).