You get totally different accounts about the same thing on the internet. One guy says England was in no danger of falling during the Battle of Britain, and another guy says that if they had bombed the airfields one more time the RAF would have collapsed and Germany would have taken over England. One source says Alan Turing was an extraordinary genius who performed remarkable service to humanity, and another guy says he was a glory hog who got more credit than he deserved. On some of these issues I can see an agenda on the part of the person holding forth, probably on most of them. I usually take “Time” and “Newsweek” as credible sources, but maybe they can be influenced by sloppy research. Any thoughts?
Oh sure. When you’re doing research on the internet, you can find a dissenting opinion on just about everything or anybody.
The internet burst my bubble about John Lennon a long time ago. I always saw him as the likable, carefree, best songwriter ever who wrote some of the catchiest and best songs ever. Well, his music stands on it’s own as maybe the best ever but he was a very troubled individual with many personal demons that people just never talked about until the advent of the internet.
I still like part of him, he brought happiness to millions of people but on the other hand he was violent towards women, he deserted his first wife and his first son and often treated Julian like crap when he wasn’t busy ignoring him.
He grew kind of famous when I was a teenager for being one of the first, and maybe most famous “house-husband” and it was often publized that when he dropped out of sight in the late seventies he was supposedly raising his son Sean by Yoko Ono by himself. Well it turns out the truth was he spent all those years in a drug and alcohol induced haze. His public image was nothing like the reality that in private, he could be very cruel, mean and cold.
Lot’s of WW2 has been done over as more of the records became available for perusal after 50 year limits etc. Always pays to take history with a grain of salt if your reading it on the internet. Easy to claim things etc that may not be historically accurate.
It was true that they were in a bad state in the Battle of Britain and moving the focus off bombing the airfields to destroying towns really did help. I’ve read that in a book so it’s probably more accurate.
Both accounts sounded authoritative. I’ve gotten conflicting information about a lot of things, though.
This guy is right. If Germany had continued its strategy bombing airfields, the RAF would have collapsed
You should look for academic sources, some issues are still debated among researchers/historians/scholars, but on most things there is a academic consensus and these positions are the most solid/scientific.
You’re probably right, but one guy was saying on the internet that the Germans damaged a British airfield only once, and they had it fixed in less than a day. I’m inclined to agree with you.
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