How do you feel when you check your old friends' socials?

and you see that they have a normal life while you are considered a failure, a social outcast and live as a disabled person?

My pdoc doesn’t like when I say that I’m ‘not normal’ but it is obvious that these disorders heavily impact your life.


That’s why I started taking Wellbutrin. I think it’s the reason why so many of us take an ad.

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Sometimes it stings to see they all having “normal” lives and yourself struggling with every day life. I try not to focus too much on what others accomplish anymore.

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It doesn’t bother me to see other people living their lives. I see friends with families and good jobs and I’m glad they’re doing well. It doesn’t take anything from me because they’re happy. I’m just thankful for what i have.


Lately I’ve been getting more bitter about that sort of thing. I don’t know the cure for it, but it is like a poison.


Wow @disciple! That’s a great attitude! :slight_smile: I’m happy for my friends too


Compared to the little lives of my silly old classmates, I live a glorious life.


I have to agree with om on this, most ordinary lives are not worth living.


You seem to have conflated normal life with happiness and well being. It is not necessarily the case.

Sure it seems easier than our lives, but getting up to do a mundane job for at least 8 hours plus the travelling to and from work for 40 years is about as rewarding as a kick in the balls for breakfast every day.

How about that feeling during and after meditation which we have time to do every day? :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Now that’s living! :grinning:


Really, it’s kind of funny because my old friends are pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, porn freaks, drug addicts ---- they all expected that I would be living under a bridge hooked on weed and heroin …
I have an apartment
I make rent
Im steady living in one place
I’m drug free
I shower daily

I can do everything I need to including wipe my ass

In my mind, I’m the one succeeding despite my illness …
Eff them :grinning:


I find it best not to focus too much on where other people are in their lives. We all have different lives, we all were dealt different cards in life. If you can use it as motivation to put yourself in a better position then that’s great, but don’t let other’s people’s lives bring you down.
Redefine what success is in your head. Success isn’t necessarily having a partner, two kids, a dog, a white picket fence.
I’m always happy to see my peers or colleagues do what they want in life. There are people who are ten years younger than me (I’m 36), buying a house, starting a family, new career, etc., and I think that’s great. Best thing you can do for yourself and your mind, is keep positive as much as possible. Just do you.


I’m very happy with my life. I’m at where I want to be.


I feel like sh!t lol So I avoid doing that.


I get feelings for women it hurts not having one but I cant trust them they cheat and play with your heart wish I felt for women when I was younger it must be my condition playing tricks on my mind and emotions every woman ive wanted and its only been a few has a partner but they still flirt with me the pain and I dont want most women whyyyyyyy … im ■■■■■■ in the head.


I’ve never looked at old friends’ social media accounts. Never really occurred to me. Sounds depressing.


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