How do you date with scars

Hi there, I have been thinking I would like to meet someone to spend some time with (without sex) but I am too afraid to show my self harm scars my arms and legs. I dont know how to cover it. What do you guys would do on my position?

wear long sleeve and quite fitting on the top. And a watch.
Like @GoldenRex said you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone if you don’t want to. You are entitled to your privacy.

Best of wishes :slight_smile:

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I have cuts on my wrist. I noticed them on a close friend though, I didn’t pay much attention compared to how I feel about my own.

My husband has self harm scars on all over his arms and chest,

He tells people he baled hay as a teenager.

Apparently that cuts you up pretty good, so no one asks questions.

You could make something up or just not address it.

They’re your scars, you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.


Sadly the dating scene is a jungle. If you are a female you can’t let your guard down. Some men get abusive with vulnerable women. And signs of self harm make you look very vulnerable. Better meet people through your personal network (friends of friends).

I baled hay as a teenager too. It depends on what kind of hay you’re hauling if it cuts you up. Prairie hay is the worst about cutting you up. Where I lived in Eastern Oklahoma we had some pretty good grasses in most of our meadows. They were almost as nutritious as alfalfa. The biggest problem I had with hay was stacking it in the barn, because it would be super hot and all this dust and hay particles would be in your nose. You breathed a lot of it in. It could clog up your nose. All the same, I would rather haul hay than work in fast food. I’m just not made for that kind of work.

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