How do you cope with being overwhelmed?

I am being pulled in so many directions and have so many obligations that I am stressed to the max. How does one spend adequate time and attention to any singular thing without neglecting everything else? I am spread so thin I feel like a tumbleweed in a tornado. My disorder seriously inhibits wise judgments and decision-making skills causing me to make errors of considerable magnitude. I can’t quite get right.

take time out ive spent heaps of time on the couch and that has helped me

ive found L-Theanine to be helpful for restful sleep and calm for the day

I’m currently drowning in a heap of critically important things to have been done already and I too, find I can’t plan out the simplest steps to accomplish one stinking task on the to do list.
Unfortunately, all areas in my life are suffering, and the issues at hand just will not let up. Time does not heal all things.

I don’t know. I can be overwhelmed by a sneeze.

Create a to do list, break everything down into very small steps, then have fun ticking off the items. Get a ToDo list app for your phone.

I get overwhelmed easily, but would be completely sunk without a ToDo list.

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You have to self-preserve by not taking on too many things. Saying “NO” sometimes is the best answer for everyone. What you must do, I agree with @everhopeful that a “to do” list is really helpful. Prioritize and just start working on one thing at a time. Good luck :blush:

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Now that Im Mood Cycling, I get overwhelmed very easily.

I have to get my blood tested and Ive been procrastinating.

I plan on just going without thinking about it so much.

I have to break things down into smaller steps.

But yes, even small tasks become huge Mountains.

I hate this ■■■■■■■ illness

i understand @Wave you put this perfectly and it defines me to a t. I have not figured out how to cope i just keep going.

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Hang in there @anon80629714 - You will manage

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