How do you act when someone is into you?

There’s this guy who’s friends with my friend.
I’ve been told he’s into me. We just became friends on Facebook.

I don’t know if I like him that way yet, but I do think there’s potential. Usually when I want someone to like me, I act in certain ways and become extremely worried about making mistakes.
And usually when someone is into me, I don’t see potential so I awkwardly try to ward them off.

This is kind of new to me. I have a feeling I’ll be acting with confidence, but I’m scared it might make me seem pushy.

How do you act when you know somebody likes you?


It depends who. If its someone that I find attractive I get all nervous and dunno how to be. I used to sometimes give it a shot but I’ve decided to become asexual for now until another time. If it’s someone else I just think, cool, and make my boundaries clear so that I don’t lead them on.

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I haven’t had that happen since high school lol /sadface.

When it happened I all but ran for the panic room. And she was gorgeous too.


Man, it’s been a long time since someone was interested in me. Back in high school and college there were times when girls were into me. Probably because I wasn’t a chubby loner back then. Anyways, I usually had trouble connecting with them because of social anxiety.

There was one girl who I liked a lot who told me she liked me back. This was freshman year of college. I managed to start getting symptoms of sz and ruined it. Sophomore year, she texted me one night about how I wasn’t talking to her enough. I proceeded to tell her off because I was very depressed and angry at life. She hasn’t really talked to me since.


To him, life is a great big BANG up
Wherever there’s a hang up
You’ll find the Spider-Man.



I think girls are attracted to looks early on in life, then are attracted to confident males when they get into their twenties.


Guys like to flirt non-stop when they are into a girl. I would say that perseverance is a strong factor in love. So it’s the same with girls but it’s also very important for girls to show decency and then there’s consideration.

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My wife and I were just friends until she stuck her tongue in my ear. I got the hint pretty quickly after that. .

You don’t have to go to that extreme though. Just flirt back.

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I ruin it :sunglasses:

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With me, usually if they are into me, I’m not into them. And if I am not into them, I’m usually not very nice to them, or so people claim. It’s not that I want to be mean to them, I just can’t help it. They interpret my warding off signals as not being very nice because that is not what they want. I don’t know how to be nice without seeming encouraging.

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A lot of guys whom I’m just being nice to think that I’m flirting


@Loke, how do you deal with that?

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I usually run in the other direction


@SkinnyMe. I just walk away


This brings up an important question. How do you separate when a girl is being nice, and when she’s being flirty? I guess you try and flirt with them yourself if you’re interested, and watch their reaction.


“I guess you try and flirt with them yourself if you’re interested, and watch their reaction.”

That’s a good :bulb: idea


Yes, it is.12121212121212

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