I know it’s still early but this medicine is the only hope I have to get truly better. How does it work? Do pharmacies run out of the med quick? Could there be long out of stocks at the pharmacy when it comes out?
I don’t think it’ll be a blockbuster when it first comes out. It’ll take a while for people to want to try it. Plus I doubt many people with schizophrenia even know about it.
Fingers crossed it’s as good as they say.
It’s still four months away. I wish I could fast forward time to when it comes out living with weight gain or akathisia is no way to live
It’s still four months away.
What makes you think it’ll be that soon? Anyway, I live in Europe, so who knows when I’ll get to see it. Probably years.
With this drug being so good maybe Europe will push it through quickly. After all this drug is supposed to literally cure schizophrenia without side effects they might make a special rule for this med.
Someone posted a link to the clinical tria
in August they get the results and in May they are actually getting the results but it will take them until August to dissect the information.
I doubt that. What we need is a new class of drugs. GW pharmaceuticals and Addex Therapeutics are working on drugs which could be the next class
I recommend you be more skeptical. For those of us who have been here on the forum for many years - we’ve heard of many new drugs that were supposed to be huge improvements over the older medications, and none of them have. So - just put it in your mind that these new medications are interesting and positive, but don’t get too invested in the outcome of them being miracles, as they likely are not going to be that for most people.
I don’t think this has ever been an issue with any new schizophrenia medication ever launched in the past so I doubt this will be an issue in the future.
Most doctors know that drug companies over-market (ie. exaggerate the benefits and under-report the negatives) of any new medication. Additionally - many hospitals and payer organizations (insurance companies, national healthcare system) are also skeptical because of this history - so they are slow to adopt the new drugs until good third party research validates that a drug is helpful.
For all these reasons - adoption typically is slow, and over time we discover how and who its helpful for.
But the science about receptors all adds up as well. I guess your right but this drug doesn’t hit the receptors that cause problems in other medicines.
Sure - but that could just mean that you see some new benefits, but also some new side effects. No drug has ever come out that works on everyone, and doesn’t have side effects. Keep that in mind.
Maybe we can get some side effects like, “May cause firmer butt.”
Although then we would have a lot more competition for it at the pharmacy.