…with schizophrenia rely so much on medications and psychiatrists opinions?
Just asking.
I’m genuinely confused as to to what people get out of them.
…with schizophrenia rely so much on medications and psychiatrists opinions?
Just asking.
I’m genuinely confused as to to what people get out of them.
There’s no other solutions.
It’s not like they give you a million dollars and tell you to go freak out
Where did you get that idea from everhopeful?
That’s not been true for me at all.
I don’t get your point DrZen.
You need to elaborate, what was your solution. Nothing I have tried worked except medication.
I took control of my hallucinations. Now if they manifest ( rarely ) they just fade before becoming more than diffuse…
…except the lights. As soon as I had beaten my issues my lights told me all would be good from here on out.
For the guts of a year they’ve been healing a lived life’s trauma for me.
Last week my shrink says he doesn’t believe I’m schizophrenic. Says I’m more stable than ever…even though I haven’t taken meds in a long time ( he doesn’t know that )
If you don’t have schizophrenia maybe that is why it hasn’t been true for you. I agree with @everhopeful in that for me, whenever I go off meds or reduce my dose too much I become psychotic. I’ve had schizophrenia for 17 years. So I willingly take my meds, they work 100% for me and I don’t have any side effects.
Well for the last 7 and a half years all my care team have insisted I’m paranoid schizophrenic.
Meds never did anything for me except weight gain and a ruined sex drive.
Also define psychotic? I don’t really get it.
Psychosis, in a nutshell, is hallucination and delusions.
I gotta go work now, I’m happy for you that you can live without meds, for me that simply isn’t possible.
I’ve had side effects from other meds, and meds that didn’t work too.
I started taking 60mg of Lurasidone a couple years ago and it has worked wonders for me.
How do they know hallucinations are psychosis?
It doesn’t matter whether you call it psychosis or not, hearing voices is not normal and very destructive.
Medicine is important for schizophrenics. Most of them do well until they stop taking their meds, then they do poorly and drag their families through hell and sometimes financial ruin until they get back on meds.
I don’t hear voices except seven times in my life.
Apparently everything I say is anti psychiatry though.
Interesting…it doesn’t work for me therefore my viewpoint must be buried.
Fair enough.
I’ve never been psychotic like ruining my family or anything like that and when I’m asking questions here. I’m genuinely curious as to why people are so reliant on MH people.
That’s just cos it baffles me.
Anyway a bit off topic.
But I don’t understand how Schizo’s can be so divorced from reality as to ruin families and such.
That’s why I’m here.
I can’t find detailed interactions explaining exactly why schizophrenia is so destructive nor what the narrative and interactive components of psychosis is.
For me, the meds I take have given me the only balance I’ve ever had. I rarely get voices, mood swings are under control and I can function normally in “regular people” situations. So for me my medications have been instrumental in attaining a relatively “normal” life.
Did you never ■■■■ up?
Because medication is the only solution for me.
After stopping the antipsychotics, and starting an antidepressant, I landed up in a ward, although the psychosis happened because of an antidepressant I took… But still the first time I had to take an antipsychotic, I wasn’t on anything.
when you start rolling naked in the mud in the park and praying in the middle of the street
get back to me
if you stab your family members or believe that you’re being told to hit nurses, and punch one several times in the mouth because she asked you to
or if you believe that demons live in your chest and your familiar spirit, a small dog, gets rid of them when you are sleeping by sitting on your chest
ask then
Well its great it works for you. I just don’t understand it that’s all.
Also when I was on meds it changed nothing about my hallucinations. Absolutely nothing.
Also not every mental health worker has bought into the idea all my experiences are delusional.
No not when I was meant to be psychotic.
The only reason my familial relationship broke down is because I won’t stop giving out about the care team interfering where they ain’t wanted.
The worst thing I did in psychosis was pray once.
Its great it works for you ish.
How do meds give you insight please?